Page 16




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Ther. 18o Cloudy Wind
Sat. Feb 16th, 1895

Willie went with Edwd to Sherwood
School house to help him
fix the fires. I drove down to Ashton
& back before dinner Old John went
down with me. Afternoon Willie
took Dora, Fanny & Edward in the sleigh
to Eldon, where Dora & F remained
to supper. W & E going on to Riverside
to skate & staid there to supper:
they all came home after dark.
I went to the store for groceries
etc. After supper all the young
folks went over to Mrs Robison to
play the "spelling game."

Ther. 22 Clear Wind N.W.
Sunday 17

I went to meeting. W took Dora
& Fanny to church at Olney & went
to E Peirces & brought Alice & their
horse back with him. After dinner he
drove "Frank & Sally" to our sleigh
and took Dora, Alice & Fanny to.
Wilson's & Wm Canby's getting
home about dark. After supper he
took Alice & Fanny home to

Ther. 18o Cloudy & Clear Wind S.E.
Mon. Feb 18, 1895

Quite cold early this morning
but thawed very much later in the
day. I rode down to Ashton on horse
back. Bro. Chas called. Willie walked
from Fairfield & Afternoon roade "Frank"
to the Cemetery to the funeral of
Moses Thompson. After school Edwd
went to Riverside to skate and came
home after dark. Lucy Platt was
here & I extracted tooth for her.

Ther. 22o Cloudy & Clearing Wind S.W.
Tuesday 19th

Bro. Chas came early bringing Sister
Lizzie with him: he & I drove "Frank"
& "Bess" to Rockville to the open buggy
leaving Lizzie to spend the day here.
We found the roads bearly passable
through snow drifts in some places &
Jessee B Stabler (that was) & now Mrs
McReynold's came up from Washington
to meet Bro C & prove their signatures
(as witnesses) to Bro R's will.
We reached home about 4.o'clk p.m.
The "Farmer's Convention met at
the Lyceum to day, & was largely
attended. Willie went to E Peirces
before supper.

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