Page 17
Ther. 22o Clear Wind N.W.
Wed. Feb. 20th 1895
Mrs Wm Oldfield's was here to consult
me in her own case & Miss
Sally Ellicott was also here to consult
me in her mother's case & also
for herself. Bro. Charles called &
smoked a pipe with me before
dinner. I took one of the traces
from my double harness to old Mr
Oldfield's to be mended. Towards
evening I went to the store.
Edwd Gilpin Sr called at the
office door to see me.
Ther. 35 Cloudy Wea S
Thursday 21st
Ground frozen early this morning but
sun began to thaw and continued all
day. Cloudy and threatning rain. After
dinner Clarence Gilpin called. Willie
& Fanny came and Dora & Fanny went
in their carriage & called at "Ingleside"
& The "Cottage." coming home in
time for supper.
Ther. 22o Clear Wind N.W.
Fri. Feb. 22d, 1895
Colder this morning with strong
wind which makes it feel colder than
it really is. Dora & Fanny walked to
"Norwood" & "Avalon" to call but found
no one at home at either place.
Afternoon Willie took Fanny to Fairfield
& left her there. Edwd also went
in the buggy (driving "Frank" to bring
W home. Lizzie Scott was here
again to see Dora. Hally Bentley
called. Presley Awkard was
here to see me about wood. After
supper Edwd rode "Frank" to a "dance
club" meeting at "Tanglewood."
Wrote to Frederick Tyson by the
2.o'clk p.m. mail.
Ther: 22o Clear Wind
Saturday 23d
I felt wretched this morning having
a severe head ache before I got out
of bed. Chas. G Porter called to see me
about the settlement of Moses Thompson's
estate. Willie drove "Frank" up to
Fairfield before dinner & towards
evening he brought Alice & Fanny
home with him "Phil" drove "Frank"
over to P.T. Stabler's for their flour.
After supper we had a little company of
young folks & neighbors & played games
for prizes. Mrs Robison & Miss Mary
Bessie, Hilles & Sally Ellicott and
our own folks Dora, Alice & Fanny
Willie & Edward. After the games we
gave them a treat of ice cream &
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