Page 18
Ther. 15o Clear Wind N.W.
Sun. Feb. 24th 1895
Ground frozen hard this morning.
I feel rather better to day but not
by any means right yet. I went over
to meeting. Edwd Farquhar delivered
an excellent discourse upon true
religeon as tending to joy & gladness
in its possessor instead of sadness &
gloom. Afternoon Willie took Alice
home with "Frank" & open buggy and
brought their horse "Sally" back with
him to go to Rockville for their carpet
Ther. 26o Cloudy Wind S
Monday 25th
"Raw" & chilly this morning. It
froze hard last night & the roads are
covered with ice. Willie started to go
to Rockville after their carpet loom.
Afternoon Edwd Bentley & Ed Stabler
were here to appraise the few articles
Bro. R gave us. Lizzie Scott was here to
see Dora. Gideon J Gilpin died this
morning about 10.o'clock. Willie got
home at 4.20 p.m. I walked to
Ashton & came back with Janney
Shoemaker. After supper E went
to Harry Davis to a dance party.
Ther. 28 Clear Wind N.W.
Tues. Feb 26, 1895
After breakfast Willie took the
wagon (Mary Gilpin's) with their carpet
loom to "Fairfield." Fanny also went
walking from here. Edward did not
get home from the dance until nearly
3.o'clk this a.m. I went up to the
mill & to Henderson's for the papers.
Miss S Ellicott was here again for
medicine advice etc. for her mother. W came
back from "Fairfield" afternoon & took
the lumber he left this morning.
I went to the store for provisions etc.
After supper I was called to see
Mr Jno. Ridge at Wm Oldfield's.
Mrs Robison came in and sat awhile
with us. The wind has been blowing
strong from N.W all day until sunset
& this evening it is calm & much colder.
Ther. 30 Clear Wind S W
Wednesday 27th
Willie brought "Frank" home from
E Peirce's & took Mary Gilpin's wagon
home. He took my phaeton with him
to E Peirce's taking their carpet chain
from Ashton. Bro C was here at
noon & "got stuck" in a snow drift
in Bloomfield lane his horse falling
several times before he got
through it. John was here. Afternoon
I went to the Friends burying
ground to Gideon Gilpin's funeral.
After supper to the store.
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