Page 19
Ther. 40 Cloudy & Clear Wind S
Thurs. Feb. 28th, 1895
It rained between midnight last
and sun rise this morning cleared
off before dinner time & was quite
warm all day. "Jim" Powell & John
W Johnson came & hauled a load
of straw from Frank Snowdens, using
Jos Stablers wagon & Bell & Frank.
"Jim" was here to break fast & both
of them to dinner. Afternoon Turner
Adams was here for advice & medicine.
Ther. 50 Cloudy & Clear Wind S.W
Friday, Mar 1st
So much warmer that we slept
with the windows up last night.
I drove over to Riverside & spent
an hour or two with them called
at Ashton store as I went over.
After supper Edwd went to a
"dance class" meeting at Olney
Grange hall on horse back; or
was starting when Lizzie Scott came
& took him in her buggy as it had
commenced raining. It was better
(if he must go) to be under shelter.
His going at all is against my
judgement as he had already a bad cold
& it will be very dark coming home.
Ther. 38 Rain, Sleet & Snow Wind S.W. & N.W.
Sat. Mar. 2d, 1895
Rainy disagreeable day, part of
the time it was sleet, hail & snow.
Willie came from Fairfield on horse
back & staid until towards evening.
Lizzie Scott also called.
I went up to the mill for chicken
feed & middlings. It is extremely
muddy & disagreeable traveling
either for walking or riding.
Ther. 30 Clear Wind
Sunday 3d
I went to meeting which was
silent. Afternoon F Snowden &
family made us a nice "call."
After supper I walked up to the
P.O. & mailed Postal cards to all
members of the Physicians Social
Club, which is due to meet here next
friday. I went up to Hendersons
for the papers after dinner.
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