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Ther. 40 CLear Wind S.W.
Fri. Mar. 8th, 1895
Willie drove to Olney for some
carpet rags. Edwd drove to E. Thoma's
for some cream & W to Riverside
for butter etc. Wm Cuff sent some
beef steak by his boys. Afternoon
the Physicians Society Club met
here & there was a full attendance.
Doctors Magruder, Brooke,
Green, Farquhar, Cissel & Stabler
being present. It was an extremely
pleasant meeting and all seems
to have enjoyed it.
Ther. 30 Clearing Wind N.W.
Saturday 9th
It rained & hailed last night
after midnight; the wind changed
drom S.W. to N.W. and blew hard
growing much colder: it continued
blowing nearly all day to day.
Willie, Dora, Fanny & Edward went
in the "Surry (driving Frank & Bell) to
Silver Spring & Washington. Dora
will go to Lincoln Va on Monday
to make Charley & Ida a visit. The
others are to return this evening. They
left here at 8.o'clk this a.m. I am
anxious about Edwd who has a bad
cold already. I went to Sherwood and
attended to his fires this afternoon,
"Hilles" went with me. The children
reached home about 9.o'clock & seemed
to have had a pleasant trip except for
the cold wind in going down.
{Old John was here afternoon. }
Right page
Ther. 45 Clear Wind S.W.
Sun. Mar. 10th, 1895
I went to meeting and heard a
short sermon from E Farquhar and
also from Caroline Miller. Edwd
took Willie & Fanny to Fairfield &
remained there to dinner. Afternoon
I walked down to Bloomfield
and made a call upon Edwd and
Hallie Bentley. Edwd took the "Bell"
mare home.
Ther. 38 Cloudy & Snow Wind S.E.
Monday 11
Raw & chilly: it soon began
to rain & snow. I went up to the
mill for corn for the horse and
worked at the stable putting the
vehicles all under shelter, cleaning
out the stable straightening out
and hanging up the harness etc.
It continued either raining or
snowing all day. I went up to the
store and P.O. Wrote to the Post
Master in New York enclosing postage
stamp to pay for mail matter
detained there for insufficient
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