Page 23




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Ther. 30o Clear & Cloudy Wind N.W.
Sat. Mar 15th, 1895

Everything out of doors is completely
covered with sleet. I drove over
to Fairfield (in the open buggy) to
see Margt Moore's infant daughter
"Elizabeth" again & found it much
better, the crisis having passed
& if she has no "back sets" she may
get along nicely now. I got a two
bushel bag of coal for our room at
Plainfield. Afternoon Willie & Fanny
came to spend the night with us.
After supper I went up to the store
to get word to Tilglunder Mitchell
to haul us 1/2 cord of hickory wood from
"Pres" & Lavinia Awkcard's. It is cold
to night & wind blowing from N.W.
Much of the sleet is still on the trees etc.

Ther. 25 Clear Wind N.W.
Sunday 17th

Quite cold today but clear not
withstanding its "St Patrick`s day."
I went to meeting. Margt T Moore
telephoned that her baby was still
improving. Chas Adams was here
for advice & med for his infant and
promised to send me a cord of wood
tomorrow or next day if I would
come & see it tomorrow. "Corrie"
Sprigg was also here for advice &
medicine. W & F left for "Fairfield
after breakfast. I went up to Henderson's
for the papers towards evening.

Ther. 30o Clear Wind N.W.
Mon. Mar 18th, 1895

Cold & windy. I drove to Brighton
& went to Chas Adam's & prescribed
for his infant daughter, dined
at E.Peirce's. After reaching home I
went to see old Julia Green on
Saml Thoma's place & went in
next door to talk to Margt Moore
over telephone wires, she having
called me for advice for her
infant again. W. & Alice were
here for a short time. I went
to the mill for flour and corn
for the horse.

Ther. 33 Clear Wind N.W.
Tuesday 19th

I drove over to Plainfield to
see Margt T Moore's infant again.
Afternooon Chas Adams brought
me a cord of hickory wood with
Hartshorne's team. Robert Tyson
called. I went with him to the mill
& to Sandy Spring where he took
the 2.o'clk stage for Laurel &

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