Page 24




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Ther. 34o Cloudy Wind N.E.
Wed. Mar. 20, 1895

Raw & disagreeable all day.
I rode over to see old Julia Green
again before dinner (on horseback.
Afternoon Chas Adams was here
again to see me about his infant,
I gave him medicine etc. for it.
Towards evening it snowed
not enough to cover the ground
completely however, but it may
before tomorrow morning.
Charley's third daughter was born
yesterday morning early, so a
postal card recd to day informs us
from Lincoln Loudoun Co Va.

Ther. 22o Clear Wind N.W.
Thursday 21st

This has been a beautiful day but
windy & cool. I drove to Brighton to
prescribe for Chas Adams' infant
again. I also prescribed for his
mother in law (Eliza Thomas) who
was at their house. The roads have
dried out with the sun & winds of
the past few days & are wonderfully

Ther. 28o Clear Wind N.W.
Fri. Mar 22d, 1895

Another fine day. I was called
to see Silvester Powell's wife. I drove
over & opened an abcess in the left
"qlutei maximus" muscle, within the
fissure formed by the two sides. It
discharged large quantities of foetid
pus. Afternoon B Owen Hardy Jr
was here with a note from his father.
I went to the store for sundries &
to Henderson's for the papers. Edwd
& Hilles R helped move the coal stove
out of our room & took the wood stove
from the parlor into its place, our
coal being exhaused & it is not
worth while to get more so near
warm weather.

Ther. 28o Clear Wind S.W.
Saturday 23

I drove to Ashton & replenished
my medicine chest: from
there to Brighton where I saw
Chas Adam's infant again, and called
at E Peirce's and saw Willy & Fanny
working their new loom. Home to
dinner. Bro Chas called about noon.
I also called this morning at "Eldon."
Afternoon I went to the mill for corn.
Willie & Fanny came afer supper
to spend the night with us.

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