Page 25




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Ther. 38 Cloudy, Rain, & Clearing Wind Variable
Sun. Mar. 24, 1895

Cloudy & threatning early this morning
& commenced raining before
meeting time. I went to meeting
& we had a sermon from Edward
Farquhar. It cleared off in the
afternoon & the sun set clear.
Chas Adams was here to see
me again about his infant &
I fear he will lose it.
Willie & Fanny left for "Fairfield"
after supper.

Ther. 42 Cloudy Wind Variable
Monday 25

I hve taken a severe "cold" and
sore throat & feel miserable.
Chas Adams came for me & I
took him with me & drove to see
his child again at Brighton: home
to dinner. Afternoon Bro C Called
I went up to the store & to the mill.
Edwd did not go to school
afternoon having head ache.

Ther. 40 Cloudy Wind S.W.
Tues. Mar. 26, 1895

I feel miserable from sore throat
& rheumatic pains. Recd letter
from T H Borden & answered it.
Edwd went (by invitation) to take
tea at Benj H Miller's. I walked
up to the P.O. after supper. Willie
came on horseback to attend a
rail road meeting at Lyceum.
Miss Grace Harvey was here in
the afternoon and had tooth extracted.

Ther. 32o Clear Wind N.W.
Wednesday 27th

Cold & clear this morning. I drove
to Brighton to see Adam's child
again. Saw Bro. Chas at Ashton.
Afternoon Willie walked over
from Brighton. Morgan Brown
(the Huckster) called & I paid him
50. cts. After supper Willie & I went
up to the store for some breakfast bacon
& eggs. A large flock of wild geese or
swans passed over going N.W.
about dusk. About 10.o'clock in the
evening we had our first thunder
& lightning, several quite heavy peals
with sharp lightening north & north
west of us: the wind being from the
South at the time.

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