Ther. 43o Clear Wind N.W.
Thurs. Mar. 28th, 1895
Windy & disagreeable all day.
Willie finished cutting down the
hedge which had grown too high.
I felt miserable, my cold or "grippe"
making me stiff & sore all over.
After dinner "Angie" Thomas called
for more advice & med. for her mother,
Julia Green, & paid me $2.00. Afternoon
Willie drove "Frank" to Fairfield. I
went with him to Ashton & walked
home. Willie & Fanny came after
supper having brought a carpet
to John Bentley's (the first they
have woven. Mrs Robison came
in after supper.
Ther. 42. Clear Wind
Friday 28th
I went up to the shops and mended
the "meat saw." Willie went to "Sharon" on
"Phil's" bicycle to enquire about electric
bell for our telephone connection with
the "central" exchange. Afternoon W
drove to "Fairfield" to bring Alice to
take tea here & go to Mrs. George Kennan`s
lecture at the Lyceum this evening.
All of our young folks are going; Edwd
to officiate as "door-keeper."
Ther. 33. Cloudy & Clearing Wind N.W. & N.E.
Sat. Mar. 30th, 1895
I was called this morning & went
before breakfast to prescribe for
"Doad" or George Curley's wife who
is at Wm Oldfield's. Willie took
the horse & Surry & took Alice and
Fanny to "Fairfield." Edwd going with
them to bring the horse & carriage
home. I went up to the shops & finished
putting a handle on the meat saw.
Edwd came home about supper time.
After dark I went to the P.O. &
store. It was cloudy & sprinkled
rain about dusk & looks as if we
might have rain to night or tomorrow.
Ther. 40 Clear Wind
Sunday 31st
I went to meeting, a friend
-- Daniel preached, he is a
book agent who lives below Alexandria
Va. They put in a new "switch board"
next door to day. After supper George
Curley came for me & I went to see
his wife again. Willie was here
for a short time this morning.
Mary Carter(colored) was here and
I extracted a tooth for her this
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