Ther. 43 Cloudy Wind S.E.
Mon. April 1st, 1895
It rained last night several
showers & was raining when E
went to school but ceased before
9.o'clock. I went to the store
after breakfast. After dinner I
drove over to "Osceola" to see about
getting fodder to cover the ice house.
Bro Chas called this morning.
Robert Campbell (colored) was
here for advice & medicine
towards evening.
Ther. 50 Cloudy Wind N.E.
Tuesday 2d
Cloudy & threatning rain. Afternoon
Bro. Charles & Lizzie stopped here on the
way to the Horticultural meeting at
Roger Farquhar's. They left their horse
& buggy here & took "Frank" and the
phaeton. Old "Frolic" being too lame
to drive so far, they are to exchange
again as they return this evening.
We had quite a thunder shower
about 4.o'clk this afternoon. I went
up to the store for groceries.
Ther. 29 Clear Wind N.W.
Wed. April 3, 1895
Cold this morning, ice froze in
the buckets on kitchen porch.
I feel very stiff & rheumatic.
Afternoon Willie & Alice Peirce
came & staid to supper. Robert
Blair came to consult me about
his invalid son. After supper
Jim Hill's boy came to have his
"palate put up." Young J Barnsley
brought me 3 pints of clover seed
as he came to School this morning.
Ther. 30 Clear Wiind N.W.
Thursday 4th
Still quite cool weather for
the time of year. I walked down
to Ashton afternoon. Jim
Hill's boy was here again & also
Walter Budd. Lizzie Scott
called. I went up to the store
for some seed potatoes etc.
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