Page 28



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Ther. 43o Clear Wind N.W. & S.E.
Fri. April 5th, 1895

"Jim" Powell came at 9.o'clk this
morning and he & I moved the tops
of the hedge (that Willie had cut off)
out of the way and planted three &
three fourths rows of "Early Rose"
potatoes at the lower end of the
lot. Powell remained to dinner.
I sowed clover seed in the part
of the lot where rye was sowed.
Afternoon I drove down to Haviland's
mill to see about fodder.
Took H as far as Eldon & left her
until I returned. I called at
Riverside a few minutes. Bro
C gave me some "John Howard"

Ther. 48 Clear & "Hazey" Wind S.E.
Saturday 6th

I drove over to the Charles Carr
place & bought 2 blocks of fodder
from Milton Cissel, called at "Big
Remus" Dorsey's & at Haviland's.
Frank Robison went with me. I
left him at the river, near Riverside
with "Phil" & Hilles who were in the
boat near the bridge over the Hawlings
River. Afternoon went to the mill
for corn. Willie & Fanny came
(after dark) to spend the night with

Ther. 50 Cloudy Wind NE & S.E.
Sun. April 7, 1895

I went to meeting. We had a
discourse from Edwd Farquhar.
F Snowden called as he went home
from meeting to borrow H. Woodruffs
"Trotting Horses of America"
which I could not find. After
noon I rode up to see Jim Powell
about going for the corn fodder.
W Ed Johnson was here for advice
& medicine for a "bad cold."
Willie & Fanny went back to
Fairfield before supper. After tea
I went up to Henderson's for the

Ther. 50o Rain Wnd N E. S.E.
Monday 8

Commenced raining about 2.30
o.'clk this a.m. & continued all day
until about "sun set" when it cleared
off & the wind changed to N.W.
I went to the store & P.O. both
before & afternoon & also to the mill.
Rebecca Miller called to see
about some carpet or rug weaving
they want Willie to do for them.
It has been an extremely
disagreeable day, raining hard most
of the time until towards evening
and muddy everywhere.

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