Ther. 45o Clear & Cloudy Wind N.W.
Tues. April 9, 1895
It cleared off some time during
last night and was beautifully
clear & bright all of this morning
but clouded over in the afternoon
again. The wind however continued
North West and is cooler. "Jim"
Powell came about noon & promised
to come tomorrow early & haul the
fodder for us. Robt Campbell was
here again to consult me, he is "much
better." I went up to the mill & to the
P.O. "Phil and Frank" finished moving
the hedge brush into heaps on their
lot, ready to burn when a suitable
condition of wind etc. presents
itself. Owen Hardy Jr here after dark with
a note from his father.
Ther. 43o Clear Wind N.W.
Wednesday 10th
I was called out last night (after mid night)
and rode down to B. Owen Hardy's (on Edwd
P. Thoma's place) & left them a fine boy, born
at 4.o'clk this a.m., home before sun rise.
"Jim" Powell came to break fast & he and
the boys from next door took "Frank" and
went for a load of fodder getting "Bess"
& Bro C's wagon from "Riverside." They
got here at 11.30 & afternoon went for
a load of straw to Frank Snowden's. I
went to Ashton with them taking the old
refrigerator to Bulwar's for repairs &
walked home to dinner or "lunch." I
also walked over to see Kate Matthew's
child on Farquhar's place.
Right page
Ther. 30o Clear Wind N.W.
Thurs. April 11th, 1895
Cold & "raw" this morning. Willie
came before breakfast & he & Frank
Robison put the fodder roof on the
ice house. I went up to the store &
drove down to see Mrs B O. Hardy
before dinner. W finished the ice
house roof & Frank R took him back
to "Fairfield" before 12.o'clk.
Afternoon I went to the store & to
the mill. After school Edwd rode
over to Brooke Grove & Sharon.
I went up to Hendersons for
some eggs.
Ther. 31 Clear & Cloudy WInd
Friday 12th
Still quite cold for the season.
I rode to Ashton & put up a
prescription for A F Fairall Esq & took
it up to him at S.S. before dinner.
Henderson planted potatoes in lot
adjoining ours. Carrie Hopkins washed
for H. Willie came after dinner & I loaned
him "Frank" & the buggy to bring a carpet
from "Fairfield" to Ashton after which he
came back to spend the night here.
Willie Edwd & I went to see a game
of Base Ball. "Serwood" versus "Brookeville"
in which Sherwood "beat" by
10 to 9.
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