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Ther. 47 Rain & Cloudy Wind Variable
Sat. April 13th, 1895

It commenced raining before
day light & continued at intervals
until afternoon. We had a thunder
storm before sunset. Willie & I
drove down to B Owen Hardy's. I walked
home from Ashton & W drove on to
"Fairfield" and brought Fanny back
with him in the afternoon. I went
up to the store & to the mill.
After supper I rode down to
Ashton for some medicine.
The boys next door (with our help)
burned the hedge brush, which
made a tremendious blaze
but everything being wet from
the rain and there being no wind
blowing it did no harm.

Ther. 40 Clear & Cloudy Wind S.E.
Sunday 14th

Clear early this a.m. clouded
over before noon. I went to meeting.
Alice Peirce came & she & Fanny & Willie
went to the (so called) orthodox quarterly
meeting. Afternoon they went to Fairfield
& to church taking my horse & phaeton
intending to return here in time for an
evening meeting at the "little meeting house"
& to spend the night. After supper I
went with Willie & Fanny down to the
(So called) Orthodox Meeting house
& heard five sermons & 2 prayers.

Ther. 38 Cloudy Wind Variable
Mon. April 15th, 1895

Very raw & chilly all day.
I went up to the mill for a sack
of flour. Willie & Edwd brought
Wm Oldfield's light carriage down
& W washed & greased it expecting
to drive in it to Silver Spring after
Dora & Hannah Archer tomorrow.
Afternoon Kate Stabler was here
to conuslt me for her rheumatism

Ther. 42 Clear Wind S.E.
Tuesday 16th

Willie & Edwd left home at
5.30 this morning for "Silver Spring"
& Washington to meet Dora on her
way home from Loudocus Co Va.
"Bulwar" brought the refrigerator
home, I fixed new listing under
the lids, & brought ice up & started
it for the season. I also fixed the
lattice around the garden house.
The children reached home at
about 4.o'clock p.m. Dora coming
with them. Alice Peirce called.

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