Page 36
Ther. 60 Cloudy & Foggy Wind S.E.
Tues. May 7, 1895
Damp & "foggy" again this morning.
Dr. Martin of Brookeville
called on his way to Laurel and
Baltimore. Quite hot part of the
day and a thunder gust passed
around us in the afternoon coming
up from the S.E. Sister Lizzie called
on way to the "Horticultural " at Stanmore
she called for advice & medicine for
little Rebecca. Kate Stabler also
called. I went to the store at S.S. for
tea & coffee also to Hendersons' for
the papers.
Ther. 66o Cloudy & Clearing Wind SE
Wednesday 8th
Isabella Platt (colored) was here
for advice & medicine. Afternoon
Bro Chas came after me to go to
see little Rebecca. I went with
him & he brought me back as far
as Benj H Miller's where Wm W
Moore overtook us & I came
home with him. Edwd took
his first ride on his bicycle.
Willie was here & brought us a
1/2 barrel of flour.
Ther. 62 Clear Wind N.W.
Thurs. May 9th, 1895
I was telephoned for from Riverside
& rode Henderson's "Prince"
horse over to see little Rebecca
again home to dinner. Afternoon
we had a thunder gust
about 3-30.o'clk. Clarence
Gilpin came to the office with
a very ugly scalp wound which
I dressed very carefully before
supper time after the storm.
Ther. 64 Clear Wind N.W.
Friday 10
I went to B O Hardy's and
to the Bone Mill. J. T. Henderson
going with me with his horse
& buggy, he walked home from
Ashton & I drove on to Riverside
to see Rebecca again
home to dinner, calling at
Ashton as I returned & bought
a pair of "russet shoes. Afternoon Kate
Stabler & Lizzie Scott were both here to
see Dora. Edwd roade bicycle to Brighton
early this morning to see William. After
supper he went to a Dance Club meet
at Olney on his bicycle. A.F. Furnall Esq
came to the office in the evening for
medicine (pills) & advice for "Harry."
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