Page 37
Ther. 71 Clear Wind N.W.
Sat. May 11th, 1895
Beautiful spring day, but very
warm, or hot, in the "sun shine." I went
up to A.F. Fairall's & was measured for a
pair of boots he is to "foot" for me.
Afternoon I used Henderson's "Dick"
horse to "cultivate the potatoes, Phil
leading him for me. I also went over
them with a hoe. I moved some
rye, the first I have cut. Willie
& Fanny came to spend Sunday
with us. After supper I went up
to the store for lamp chimney etc.
Ther. 66o Cloudy & Clearing Wind Variable
Sunday 12th
Commenced raining about midnight
last & the wind blew violently, it rained
at intervals until this a.m. Brother
Chas came over for me & I went home
with him to see little Rebecca again.
I remained until after dinner
amd drove "Frank" home, he has
not improved as I hoped he would
have done. George McPherson was
here for advice & med. After supper
Willie & Fanny went back to
Fairfield. I prescribed for John
& Ida Green's infant & also for Ida at
Ther. 42 Clear Wind N.W.
Mon. May 13, 1895
Very chilly & cold this morning.
I drove over to "Riverside" to see
little Rebecca again. Kate Stabler
called to see Dora. Afternoon old
Louisa Bowen was here for advice
& medicine. It has been unusually
cold all day. Telephoned to
from "Riverside" this morning to come
over to see little Rebecca again today.
She having passed a restless night,
found her better than I expected.
Ther. 41 Cloudy & Clearing Wind N.W.
Tuesday 14th
Still very cold for the time of
year. It rained quite hard last
night & was threatning all morning.
I was about home all day, except
afternoon I helped J T Henderson's
"raise" a new smoke stack for his
engine at the mill, Walter Brooke
& A Bulwar besides Chas & Joseph
Stabler & others helping. It is the
third smoke stack he has put up
since he came to the mill. Lizzie
Scott was here to see Dora. I wore an
overcoat whilst helping at the mill
& we have had fires in the dining
room for several days.
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