Page 38
Ther. 41 Cloudy, Rain & Cold Wind N.W.
Wed. May 15th, 1895
I feel miserable this morning having
taken cold, am stiff & sore all
over with rheumatic pains and
some head ache. Afternoon I drove
over to "Riverside" taking Harriet to
make a call, we also called at
"Eldon" as we returned. We found
Willie here when we got home, he took
Edwd's bicycle with him to "Fairfield"
to ride back this evening & Edwd took
my phaeton & Frank & drove to Fairfield
& brought Fanny home with him
W. returning in the bicycle.
Ther. 46o Rain Wind Variable
Thursday 16th
It commenced raining before daylight
& continued until noon when
it commenced clearing. Willie rode
Frank to Clarence Gilpin's. Afternoon
Gilbert & Smith Sr was here for advice
& medicine. Clarence Gilpin also came
for me to examine his wounded
head. I removed the suture &
found the wound healing by "first
intention under "Euculypti dressing
although a bad scalp wound.
Kate Stabler & Julia Hallowell
were here to see Dora at supper
Ther. 41 Clear & Cloudy Wind S.E.
Fri. May 17, 1895
Bright & clear this morning. Clarence
Gilpin sent us about 600 lbs of clover-hay
on an ox cart. I drove up to "Brighton"
to see my old friend Thomas S Stabler
at Lynchburg Va who is at his brother
Edward R Stabler's; his health seems to
be completly restored physically and
mentally. I enjoyed my call very much.
Afternoon Jas Johnson's wife was here
from "The Anchorage" to see me. I went
to the shops & to the mill. Willie went
with me this a.m. to "Brighton." After
supper Alice Peirce came to spend the night.
She, Dora, Fanny, Willie & Edwd all went
to an entertainment at the Lyseum for the
benefit of the S.S. Library. It began to rain
about dusk. Caleb Pumphrey here after dark
for advice etc. for his wife.
Ther. 50 Cloudy & Clearing Wind S.E.
Saturday 18th
Alice Peirce went home taking Fanny
with her to spend the day. I used Henderson's
lawn mower & cut the grass around the
house. W & E set out tomato plants.
Afternoon W & E drove over to Riverside
to "go fishing." Caroline Bond called & paid
Martha Bark's bill. I walked to Ashton.
Lizzie Scott here to see Dora. Fanny came
back towards evening. Willie, Edward,
& the boys next door returned from
their "fishing trip" with the usual luck
of fishermen.
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