Page 39
Ther. 50 Clear Wind S.E.
Sun. May 19th, 1895
Robert Campbell was here & paid
ballance of his bill by check of
Dr Frank Thomas on "National
Bank of the Republic;" of Washington
D.C. I went to meeting; we had
an excellent discourse from Edwd
Farquhar. Chas F Brooke's wife called
after meeting to see Willie, & he & Fanny
drove over to Brooke Grove to see her
before dinner. Afternoon W. Fanny
& Edward walked over to "Harewood"
to see "Old John" about going to Va.
It commenced raining about dusk.
I hope it may not amount to much
more than a shower. Mrs Robison
came in after supper.
Ther. 55o Cloudy Wind S.W.
Monday 20th
Damp & threatning rain, Willie
took Fanny to Fairfield after breakfast
in the open buggy. I went up to the
village & found my cane which I had
left in A.F. Fairall's shop when measured
for a pair of boots several days ago; it is
a cane I value highly as a gift from
my father 40 years ago. Willie & Fanny
came in afternoon, W had expected to
go to Va tomorrow but could not get the
wagon from Jno Bentley before Wednesday
a party having gone in it to "Falls of Potomac"
on a "fishing expedition. Willie & John were
greatly disappointed having made all
their arrangements to go.
Ther. 60 Rain, Rain Wind S.E. & N.E.
Tues. May 21st, 1895
Real rainy morning. Alice Peirce
came at breakfast time for Fanny
and took her home. Willie went to work
at cleaning up his mothers sewing machine.
It would have been too stormy
for W to have gone over to Loudoun Co
if the wagon had been here so it is
just as well as it is. Afternoon Old John
came with his horse & he & W went down
& brought Jno Bentley's wagon up, so as
to be ready for an early start tomorrow
morning should weather permit. This
has been a remarkable cold rainy
spring. I have no recollection of such
another; but it follows an unusually
dry season last summer & fall, where
the wells & springs many of them went
dry, that never failed before.
Ther. 50o Clear Wind
Wednesday 22d
Willie & "Old John" left here for
Lincoln Va at 4.20 a.m. driving my
horse "Frank" & John's mare to John
Bentley's market wagon. The weather
has cleared off again at last, but it
is very cold for the time of year.
Afternoon I walked to Ashton & back.
Caleb Puymphrey was here for advice etc.
for his wife. Alice & Fanny called about
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