Page 41




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Ther. 63o Cloudy, Rain, & Clearing Wind N.W.
Mon. May 27th, 1895

Jonathan Silcott left early this morning
for his home in Lincoln Va. Willie &
Fanny also left for "Fairfield" after early
breakfast. It rained again quite hard
most of the fore noon but cleared off
about noon. "Dick Matthews came after
me & I went over & prescribed for his
wife "Kate" on Farquhar's place before
dinner. Afternoon Lizzie Scott was here
to see Dora.

Ther. 63o Clear Wind N.W.
Tuesday 28th

Walked up to the store & shops &
to Henderson's for the papers.
After School was out (afternoon) there
was a game of Base Ball at Brookville.
"Sherwood against Brookeville
the latter winning. -- "Gerkies" a boy
who goes to Sherwood School put his
horse in our stable for the night
he, staying at Mrs Robison's coming
home (home) with her boys from the
Base Ball. Edward did not go with
them as he does not play ball, not
wishing to have his hands & fingers
"knocked up", thereby spoiling them
for piano practice etc.

Ther. 65o Clear Wind N.W.
Wed. May 29th, 1895

I drove over to Riverside to
call upon Estelle Cleveland,
home to dinner. After dinner I
walked down to Sherwood School
to see Miss Hannum to tell her
that Edwd would not be at school
for a day or two as he has a bad
sore throat. I also walked up
to the Store & shops in afternoon
& to the mill.

Ther. 70 Clear Wind N.W.
Thursday 30th

The weather has been extremely
hot to day, the thermometer being
92o in the shade from 2. to 7. p.m.
I walked up to the Shops & P.O. and
to the mill. Afternoon Miss Anna
Gilpin called at the office for their
bill. Julie Hallowell was here to
see Dora. After supper Dora & Edwd
went to Mrs S Ellicott's to spend
the evening & meet the Miss Crosbys.
Frank Robison helped me fix the
earth around the ice house where
it had caved in during the heavy
rains we have had recently.

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