Page 43
Ther. 74o Clear Wind Variable
Tues. June 4th, 1895
A thunder gust passed around us
last evening which cooled us off
very much, & it had been cooler all
day. Jno Ed Hill came for me early
this morning & I rode over to see old
Louisa Bowen at his his house. Edwd
Easton worked all day for us in
the garden: planted Lima beans.
I rode to Ashton with Wallace Bond
& walked back. Kate Matthews sent
her sister for me & I sent her medicine.
Edwd, Phil & Frank went to Riverside
"swimming." Edwd rode his
bicycle on to Fairfield, and the
other boys brought the buggy home.
After supper Harry Easton's wife was
here for advice & medicine.
Ther. 73 Foggy & Clearing Wind S.E.
Wednesday 5th
Foggy & Cloudy until about 9.30.o'clk
this morning when the sun came out hot.
Edwd staid at Fairfield" last night & came
home at breakfast time this a.m. I
rode over to see Kate Matthews before
dinner. "Phil" Robison led the horse
for me & I worked the early potatoes with
the cultivator & double shavel plow.
Afternoon Sophie & Alice Peirce
came & brought us 12 quarts of
strawberries for preserviment.
About 5 o'clock there came up
the heaviest thunder gust we have
had this season: it "burned out"
many of the telephone connections
of the central office next door.
There was some hail with the rain.
It rained very hard for a time.
Ther. 69 Clear Wind N.W.
Thurs. June 6th, 1895
Cooler since yesterday's storm.
I drove over to Jno Ed Hill's to see
Louisa Bowen again also to Robert
Blair's & down to Asbora, Uncle Henson
going with me. Afternoon Geo Curley's
wife sent for me & I went and gave
her medicine & an ointment.
Miss Anna Gilpin called & paid her
father's bill. Rev: Mr Wm Laird also called.
After supper, Julia Hallowell here to see Dora.
Robt Blair came & cut my hair. Chas
Hartshorne's team brought us a cord of
oak wood for Charles Adams account.
Lightning killed a cow for Mr Laird at
Brookeville yesterday & also struck the
corner of Edwd Boswell's house below Ashton
during the same storm.
Ther. 50o Clear Wind N.W.
Friday 7th
Nineteen degrees colder than it was 24
hours ago, it is really quite "chilly" &
a fire is comfortable early in the
morning. I rode to Ashton & bought shoes for H &
shirt, & muslain for shirts & drawers for self.
H & I planted four rows of sweet corn.
Afternoon Louis Johns (from Downey's) was
here & had tooth extracted. I went to mill
for horse feed. Mrs Hazen moved her
"things" away from her Brother Harry's
(next door) to Brookeville. "Sherwood."
School closed today with an entertainment
& refreshments. After supper Edward
went to "Olney" Grange Hall to a
"dance Club" meeting on his bi cycle.
I put "henhouse compost" on each hill
of corn we planted to day. Lizzie Scott
was here to see Dora. Saml Bond Jr
spent the evening here.
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