Page 44




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Ther. 68o Clear Wind Variable
Sat. June 8th, 1895

Delightful weather. Mrs Charles
Hallowell was here to consult me
professionally. I used Henderson's lawn
mower all around the house & had
our "grass hook" repaired & used it.
I went up to the store for groceries etc.
Afternoon Mr A Kilgore called to see
me "politically." I brought my boots
home from Fairall's which he "footed" for
me. After supper Willie Fanny & Alice
came to spend the night. I went to the

Ther. 61 Clear Wind S.E.
Sunday 9th

Quarterly meeting day. Dora, Fanny
Alice Peirce, Willie, Edwd & I went
to meeting which was quite largely
attended. George McPherson and
wife were here to consult me in
regard to the latter who is afflicted
with Sciatic Rheumatism.
Afternoon Alice & Fanny went home.
Hood Mathews & wife & Mr Hammond
& wife called at the gate for some jars
of Ida's. W brought from Va with his
things. Edwd rode to Riverside on
his bi cycle.

Ther. 65 Clear Wind N.E.
Mon. June 10th, 1895

Willie harrowed & "rubbed" the
ground in the lot getting it into
nice condition for planting. I
ran out the rows & we planted 14
more rows of sweet corn making 18
in all. The seed came from Lizzie
Tyson's. I went to meeting & heard
an excellent sermon from Friend
Wm Wood of Baltimore. I sent
Edward's watch back to Purcelville
Loudoun Co Va by Henry Pancoast
to have it put in running order.
Afternoon I took Willie to "Eldon"
on his way to "Fairfield." I went to
see Sister Beulah who has some
eruption on her face. After tea
Dora Edwd & I went next door to
call upon Miss Wiley from N.C.

Ther. 56 Cloudy Wind S.E.
Tuesday 11th

It was cloudy & looked like rain
until near noon when it cleared
off & was quite hot until about
2.o'clk when it rained & blew
hard from S.E. with thunder and
lightning and again at 4.30
we had a hard rain. I went up
to the store & bought a "lawn mower."
Loaned Mrs Henderson the "Surry"
to go to "Unity" etc. After supper we
had a little company consisting of
all from next door except "Phil"
including Miss Wiley and Miss Ellicott & Miss
Miriam Crosby & Walter Thomas. They
seemed to enjoy themselves very much.
We gave them refreshment (water ices
& several kinds of cake.

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