Page 45
Ther. 57 Showery Wind S.E.
Wed. June 12th, 1895
We have had two heavy rains
from S.E. to day & considerable lightning
& thunder. I went (on horseback) over to
see old Louisa Bowen again before
dinner. Used Paris green & plaster
on the potatoes again: the former dose
however has killed nearly all the "bugs."
After supper Edwd went with the next
door friends to Mrs S Ellicotts to a
"Tackey" party. Dora not well enough
to go. They were all dressed in some
outlandish style.
Ther. 69 Cloudy Clearing & Rain WInd W. & N.W.
Thursday 13th
Cloudy & threatning early this a.m. but cleared
off quite hot and about 3.30 p.m. we had
a thunder gust from the N.W. and it rained
very hard for some time. I was called to
see old Mr Oldfield & found him quite sick.
Mr. A.G. Mathews & wife & daughter (Mrs
Nichols) called at the front gate on their
way to Mr. Holland's.
Ther. 57 Clear Wind NW & S.W.
Fri. June 13th, 1895
Willie came & took "Frank" horse
& my double harness & E Peirce's "Sally" &
went to Riverside after Bro Cs mowing
machine to cut E.P's grass after taking
Dora to Riverside to call upon Estelle
Cleveland. I went to see Jno Oldfield
again this morning. After supper
Cousin Hannah Chandlee called.
Willie & Fanny also came over &
brought "Frank" home, going back to
Fairfield about dusk. Edwd mended
a puncture in the inner tube
of his front bi cycle tire.
Ther. 59 Clear Wind N.W.
Saturday 15th
A thunder gust passed north of us
last night giving us some rain. I drove
down to B Owen Hardy's this morning, called
at Ashton. Mrs C. Hallowell called for
medicine which I took to the P.O. & left it for
her there. Afternoon Edwd & Dora took the
"Surry" & with a party from next door and
from Mrs Ellicott's went to Riverside
for a "Pic Nick" on the river. Willie came
& brought us some flour & will stay with
us tonight.
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