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Ther. 68o Clear Wind N.W. & S. Sun. June 16th, 1895
A lovely summer day. W drove "Frank" to "Fairfield " & brought Fanny over. I went to meeting & heard two excellent sermons from Edwd Farquhar & Caroline Miller. Willie took his mother down to Ed. Bentley's to call & Edwd drove down & brought her home. Bro Chas dined with us. Afternoon Edward & the boys next door went to "Riverside" for a bath & swim. Willie & Fanny went back to "Fairfield" after supper.
Ther. 69o Clear Wind S.E. Monday 17th
The boys next door worked their corn with out "Frank" horse after which they commenced setting the poles for our Lima beans which I finished towards evening. Edwd rode over to Riverside this morning on his bi cycle & Estelle Cleveland rode back with him on her bi cycle & made a call here. Afternoon Lizzie Scott, Dr Brooke & Kate Stabler called. I went to the mill for horse feed.
Ther. 72 Clear Wind Tues. June 18, 1895
Rather warmer. Edwd took Miss Wiley & Bessie Robison to Riverside for "Ferns etc." Kate Stabler was here to see Dora and consulted me professionally. I drove over to Dr R Brookes & dined them, after dinner I went with him to Rockville to a meeting of the Montgomery Co Medical Association & home at 5.o'clk p.m Dora & Edwd went to a "tea party" next door at Mrs Robison's & to an evening party at P.T. Stabler's. Our Son Charley & wife with little "Hallie" & the baby "Louise" arrived from "Glenwood" Howard Co.) about dusk, C having driven over from Va. on Sunday. He & I walked up to Jim Powells to see about getting old "Bell" tomorrow to send Ida back to her Fathers.
Ther. 60 Clear Wind N.W. Wednesday 19th
Jim Powell sent old "Bell" over quite early this a.m. Charley left for Lincoln Va. about 7.30 this a.m. Edwd took Ida & the children to "Hazeldean" in the "Surry" driving "Frank" & "Bell." Dora & I went with them as far as Ashton, they left Ashton at 8.45 a.m. & D & I walked home. John W Johnson was here for advice etc. Edwd reached home at 7.15 p.m.
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Ther. 73o Hazey & Clear Wind S.E. Thurs. June 20th, 1895
Quite warm weather again. Afternoon Edwd & boys next door went to "Riverside" to go "swimming." I walked up to Hendersons for the papers.
Ther. 70 Cloudy Wind S.E. Friday 21st
Cloudy & threatning rain all day, but only commenced raining about dusk. I drove over to "Ingleside" for tomato & cabbage plants. I prescribed (whilst there for Isabella Warfield who lives there. H & Edwd set out 47 tomato plants & 101 cabbage plants. I loaned to Frank Snowden "The trotting horses of America" by Hiram Woodruff. Afternoon I went to the Insurance Office & proved my account against Estate of R J Iddings, before Alan Farquhar Notary Public. Uncle Henson Hill was here to see me.
Ther. 71 Cloudy Wind Sat. June. 22d 1895
It rained light showers last night but no hard rain. Margt G T Moore brought Mrs Chas Hallowell to see me for advice & medicine. Fred'k Tyson arrived in the evening stage to make us a visit. Willie & Fanny also came before supper time.
Ther. 73 Clear Wind Sunday 23d
After breakfast I took Fredrick Tyson to call at "Eldon" and "Grove Hill" & home to dinner. After tea F T & I walked up to "Marden" to make a call. Will & Fanny went back to Fairfield before dinner.
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Ther. 73 Clear Wind S.W. Mon. June 24th, 1895
I took F Tyson to "Osceola" and left him there before dinner. Afternoon I walked over to see old Louisa Bowen at Jno Ed Hill's. About 4.30 p.m. there came up quite a heavy thunder storm with heavy rain & considerable hail, some of which was large as pigeon eggs. I had just returned from Ashton where I had walked down soon after returning from Jno Ed Hill's. I fear the storm will have thrown much of the wheat that was not yet cut.
Ther. 70o Clear Wind Tuesday 25th
I drove over to "Osceola" and took F Tyson to Edwd Peirce's to call: home to dinner. After noon we worked the corn with the horse & "Phil" & Frank Robison worked their lot. I went over some of the corn & beans with the hoe. After dark Saml Bond Jr was here for advice etc and brought me a "Bunnell dry cell battery."
Ther. 75 Clear & Cloudy Wind S.W. Wed. June 26th, 1895
A very hot day. Edwd and I fixed the ice house, putting boards under the eaves formed by the corn fodder roof to shed the rain off instead of running into the ice house. I worked at hoeing the corn again. Edwd took a party from next door (in the Surry) over to Riverside to have a boat ride, & barely escaped being caught in a thunder storm getting home just in time about dark. The storm continued until near mid night. The lightning was almost incessant, it being an electric storm.
Ther. 75 Clear & Cloudy Wind Variable Thursday 27th
Still very hot. Edwd & I finished hoeing the corn. Afternoon about 3.15 there came up another thunder gust, it was quite heavy, with some very severe lightning which must have "struck" near us: the rain continued until six oclock, with peals of thunder. It is much cooler since the storm. I went to Henderson's for butter.
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Ther. 64o Clear Wind Fri. June 28th, 1895
Beautiful day after the storm of yesterday. I felt quite rheumatic and stiff this morning; drove over to Eldon to call upon Harry Lea, but he was not there: found F Tyson there & took him to call at Riverside where I gave Bro Chas. my account against Estate of R.J.I. I then took F.T. to "Grove Hill," where we dined with Lizzie Tyson and about 3.30 p.m. brought him home with me. Harry Lea called here during my absence.
Ther. 65 Clear Wind Saturday 29th
F. Tyson left in the early stage for his home in Balto & in Laurel. Willie came & took Dora in the "Surry"with "Frank" & "Sally" horses to Fairfield intending to go to Miss Mary Cook's to spend the night returning tomorrow. Edwd went to "Falling Green" to tune their piano on his bi cycle. "Jim" Johnson (black smith) was here & had a tooth extracted. Brother Charles called. Cousin Ellie Chandlee called about tea time. A heavy electric storm came up about 8.15 p.m.: it appeared to be more violent south of us along the Potomac River.
Ther. 67o Cloudy Wind NE Sun. June 30, 1895
Thunder & lightning before sun rise this a.m. I went to meeting we had two sermons, one from Edwd Farquhar & one from Caroline Miller. Afternoon Emeline Hopkins was here for advice & medicine. Another thunder gust came up about 4.o'clk p.m. & lasted until 7.o'clk. After supper I walked up to Henderson's for the papers. "Lizzie" Franklin (colored) came to the office for advice & medicine. It is still "sprinkling" rain & looks as though it might continue raining all night.
Ther. 67 Cloudy & Clearing Wind Monday, July 1st
Rained serveral times during last night & was threatning all day to day. I was called to see Mrs Geo. Curley again. Willie brought Dora & the horse & Surry home. Harry Lea came with them & made us a nice call & went back with W who took the open buggy (driving "Sally") up to "Fairfield" to use whilst their "jagger" is beiing repaired & painted.
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Ther. 58 Clear & Cloudy Wind Tues. July 2d, 1895
Much cooler & delightful weather after the "hot spell & thunder storms.. I drove down to Ashton & back before dinner, Old John called. Miss Wiley also called to say goodbye. Afternoon Mr A G Mathews brought Ida & Catherine & Louisa & Charley brought little Hallie from "Hazeldene." I walked up to the P.O. & called to see Mrs G. Curley again. Also walked down to see Elenora Bell for H about doing our washing, called at Hendersons. Mr Matthews went home again without unhitching his horses. Willie & Fanny came to spend the night, giving us all of our children & grand children together for the first time in our house.
Ther. 61o Clear Wind Wednesday 3d
Another lovely day. Willie & Fanny went to "Fairfield" after breakfast. Charley & I worked in the garden after he worked the corn etc with his horse. Chas E Bond called for advice etc. Phil & Edwd went to Joe Stabler's & brought a small load of hay. I went to the mill and got some feed for the horses. Sister Harriet arrived in the evening stage. Harry Lea & his father surveyed the lots were sold of the Bentley Estate.
Ther. 65o Cloudy & Clear Wind N.W. Thurs. July 4th, 1895
Looks like rain most of the day & commenced raining towards evening. I worked at the stable and in the garden. C Helping me. Edward rode his bi cycle up to D Dwyer's (above Unity) to tune their piano. After supper Charley drove up to Brighton or "Fairfield" to bring Edwd home from there. This has been a quiet 4th of July; the neighborhood boys fired guns & fire crackers, & the colored folks seemed to have a good time. Sarah Stabler & Fanny Snowden called this morning to see Sister Harriet.
Ther. 67 Cloudy & Rain Wind Variable Friday 5th
Thunder gust about 4.30 this morning and it rained at intervals most of the day. Charley & Ida drove to Riverside, Eldon & Homewood before dinner. Afternoon Charley & I went to Dr W E Magruder's to the "Physician's Club" meeting & had a pleasant time. Willie & Fanny came to spend the night.