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Ther. 67o Cloudy Rain & Clearing Wind Variable Sat. July 6th, 1895
We were all out of bed early and Charley & Ida with their three babies and nurse left for their home in Va. I sent them to "Silver Spring," Edward going to take them in the "Surry" with "Frank" & "Old Bell." Willie & Fanny started at the same time (6.o'clk a.m.) driving Charley's horse and buggy across the country (50 miles) and will return in R.R. Old John was here to see me about his horse which had eaten "Paris Green" mixed with "middlings." C E Bond called to see me. Emeline Hopkins was here this morning. I went down to Ashton. Edwd reached home at 5.o'clk p.m.
Ther. 67o Clear Wind S.E. Sunday 7th
Quite warm or hot to day, I went to meeting. Bro Charles was here. I suffered with head ache all day. Afternoon I rode over "Harewood" and to "Sharp St" to see John W Johnson & engage him to go to Silver Spring tomorrow to meet Willie & Fanny on their return from Loudoun Co Va. He is to drive "Frank" & his mare to my "Surry." After supper I went up to Henderson's for the papers.
Ther 68 Cloudy Wind N E & N.W. Mon. July 8th, 1895
John W Johnson came bringing his horse before breakfast & at 8.o'clock started for "Silver Spring" to meet Willie & Fanny on return from Va. Ella Henderson went to Silver Spring with John. I rode Henderson's horse "Prince" to Chas Hammonds to see Old Sarah. John with W & F arrived about 1.30 p.m. Dr Etchison & A. F. Fairall called to see me. Willie & Fanny walked to Fairfield after supper. Edwd also walked up with them to bring his bi cycle home.
Ther. 67o Clear Wind N.W. Tuesday 9th
Was telephoned for & drove to "the Cottage" to prescribe for Mrs Giesard who with her husband & child are boarding there. Edward took his aunt Harriet Kirk over to "Eldon." Sarah Dent was here for advice & medicine. Afternoon Willie & Fanny came, Willie suffering with "tooth ache." I extracted the offending tooth & towards evening they went back to "Fairfield." After supper H & I did some work in the garden.
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Ther. 56 Clear Wind N.W. Wed. July 10th, 1895
Delightfully cool weather, and feels as if we might have a continuation of nice weather. I rode over to Jno Ed Hills' to see old Louisa Bowen again, Estelle Cleveland called on her bi cycle. Edwd rode his up to "Falling Green" to repair their piano. He also rode part way home with his cousin Estelle. Afternoon I rode to Ashton & worked in the garden. Colored girl .. Johnson (lives at "Johnny" Thoma's) here after supper & had a tooth extracted. Edwd rode over to "Eldon" to take a dress to his aunt Hallie Kirk.
Ther. 60 Cloudy Wind N.E. Thursday 11th
Cloudy & threatning rain, indeed it did "sprinkle" for an hour or two this morning. "Phil" Robison helped me put the sleigh over head in the stable shed and cut or split some wood for us. Afternoon I went up to the store & brought home my "Lawn Mower" which I bought new. I used it in the yard around the house. I went up to Henderson's for the butter & papers. After supper Will & Alice Peirce came & brought us a "carp" fish they had caught in their ice pond; they were here about an hour & returned to "Fairfield."
Ther. 67 Clear Wind S.E. Fri. July 12th, 1895
Beautiful day. Edward went to the Misses Davi's place (beyond Brookeville) and tuned their piano, he went on his bicycle & home to dinner.
Ther. 64 Clear Wind Variable Saturday 13th
I rode "Frank" to F. Clarke's and not finding him at home I had a left hind shoe put on him at T. Marlow's. Sarah Hammond sent for more medicine. Afternoon E rode up to "Fairfield" & gathered some gooseberrys. Willie & Fanny came before supper to send the night. W & I fixed the platform before the front gate.
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Ther. 69o Clear Wind N.W. Sun. July 14th, 1895
Old Chas Hammond was here before our breakfast time. Dora, Fanny Edwd & myself went to meeting. Edwd Farquhar gave us a sermon upon "Happiness" as a diety, so far as it is possable. it coming to us, in our efforts to diffuse it around us among others with whom we are in daily contact. Will rode E's bicycle over to Riverside and dined there. Afternoon Edwd & Dora drove over to "Eldon" to supper. Willie & Fanny went to "Fairfield" after supper.
Ther. 63o Cloudy Wind S. E. Monday 15
I went to mill for horse feed before breakfast. After dinner I took Harriet in the phaeton over to call at "Homewood" & "Eldon." Lizzie Scott was here to see Dora. Willie brought Alice & Fanny over before supper and after tea Dora, Alice Fanny Willie & Edwd went to "Bloomfield" to the anniversary of Edwd & Hallie Bentley's wedding, the fifteenth or "crystal" wedding returning here to spend the night.
Ther. 70 Clear & Cloudy Wind Variable Tues. July 15th, 1895
Warm & "close" this morning. Will Fanny & Alice left after breakfast for "Fairfield." Edwd went over to "Riverside" on bicycle to gather raspberries. I drove over to "Eldon" & back before dinner. Was caught in a rain whilst there, there was some thunder & lightning. Afternoon I went to the store & got wired netting & put it up outside of the west kitchen window. We had another thunder gust about 4.30 p.m. with heavy down pour of rain. After supper I was sent for & went & prescribed for Mr John Ridge at Wm Oldfield's.
Ther. 72 Clear Wind S.E. Wednesday 17th
This has been a hot day. I drove over to "Eldon" & took Sister Harriet to "Riverside" from there, home to dinner. Afternoon A F Fairall brought Mr Collier to see me, he being a candidate for the office of Sheriff. I walked up to see John Ridge this morning & again after supper. Eleanor Bell washed for H. Lizzie Scott was here again to see Dora.
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Ther. 75 Clear Wind Variable Mon. July 22, 1895
Still another hot day. Willie & Fanny went to Fairfield after breakfast. I was about home all day not feeling very well, the hot weather is too much for me. Eleanora Bell was here for H. After supper I walked up to the shops. I cut some limbs out of a locust tree that chafed against the office roof and used the lawn mower around the house.
Ther. 73 Clear & Cloudy Wind S.E. Tuesday 23d
Still very warm. I took the phaeton up to the shop & had the new dash irons fitted on & left the leather with "Ridge for him to put it on for me. After supper Harriet & Dora walked over to Joe Stabler's to call. Edwd & I put in some "sow'd" corn using "Frank" & the cultivator to put it in. Sister Harriet called on her way to "The Cottage." Edwd Leadbeater & wife & cousin Annie Chandlee & Hallie Lea called.
Ther. 65 Cloudy Wind N.E. Wed. July 24th, 1895
Cloudy & threatning all day. It commenced raining about 5.o'clk p.m. & continued a gentle shower up to bed time. After breakfast I sent Edwd with the horse up to "Fairfield" to bring my open buggy home, he came home past Riverside to bring Sister Harriet's Satchel from there, he got home about 5.oclk p.m. I walked over to Jos Stabler's & up to the store.
Ther. 68 Cloudy & Clearing Wind Variable Thursday 25th
Phil Robison took "Frank" horse & brought the ballance of the hay from Jos Stabler's. Willie & Fanny came, W not being at all well. I took H to call at Riverside & home before dinner. Game of Base Ball in Alan Farquahar's field. "Norbeck versus Sandy Spring." Turner F Adams here for advice & medicine. Thunder gust about supper time. Saml Weatherald's little daughter was struck with a "foul ball" on the base ball ground & it is thought her nose was broken. Edward went to "Walnut Hill to tune Mrs E Gilpin's piano riding his bicycle.
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Ther. 74o Cloudy & Clearing Wind S.W. Fri. July 25th, 1895
Elizabeth Stabler brought Sister Harriet here from "The Cottage. Fanny drove their horse & carriage home, and Dora went with her to bring her back driving "Frank" to my buggy. I went with her as far as Ashton. Afternoon I rode over to see old Louisa Bowen, she having sent for me. Tho's Waters of S, called to see me. It has been quite warm today, but a pleasant air stirring most of the time made it bearable if you kept in the shade.
Ther. 74 Cloudy & Clearing Wind Variable Saturday 27th
Still quite warm. Afternoon Willie & Edwd went in the buggy over to "Norbeck" taking Hilles Robison with them to a promised Base Ball game which failed to come off. There came up a thunder gust whilst they were out.
Ther. 69 Clearing Wind Sun. July 28th, 1895
I went to meeting & heard a sermon from Edwd Farquhar. Wrote to T. H. Borden. After lunch Willie & Fanny went to "Fairfield" in the Surry. Dora & Sister H went with them to "Eldon" & "Homewood" Edwd went with them on bicycle & drove the carriage home. After supper he drove over in the buggy to bring his bicycle home, taking Phil & Frank Robison along to bring the horse & buggy home. After tea Sister H & Dora went in next door. Mary Gilpin was here.
Ther. 67 Clear Wind N.W. Monday 29th
Sister H & Dora walked over to Riverside after breakfast. I washed the "Surry." After lunch E drove over to Riverside & brought Sister H & Dora home. Sarah Stabler called to see Sister H. I took "Frank" horse to F Clark's shop to have a shoe put on but there was no one there. Tax collector called to see me.