Diary: Caleb E. Iddings, 1895



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Ther. 65 Clear & Cloudy Wind Variable Tues. July 30, 1895

Cooler early this morning. I took "Frank" horse to F Clark's & had an old shoe put on his "off hind foot & rode down to Ashton before dinner walked up to the store. Afternoon an agent for the "Baltimore Herald" was here ( a Mr. M.E. Waldrip). W & Fanny came before supper & after tea they all (Willie, Fanny, Dora, Edwd, Bessie & Hilles Robison walked to "Tanglewood" to a sort of "Fair" held for the benefit of the Lyceum. Co. Edwd is to officiate as "gate keeper." Minnie & her children called. Harry Lea's daughter Beulah was also here.

Ther. 58. Clear Wind N.W. Wednesday 31st

Quite cool this morning. I went up to the store & shops before & after dinner. There was a "Base Ball" game in Mary Gilpin's field after noon, Willie came over to see it. Edwd & Clara Leadbeater & the cousins Hannah & Annie Chandlee came & took tea with us. Edward has not been well today his bicycle broke down, one of the "pneumatic tires" busted. Miss Sarah Kirk & Mrs Mahlon Kirk Jr. called to see sister H this morning.

Ther. 64 Clear Wind S.W. Thurs. Aug. 1st, 1895

Quite cool early this a.m. but grew warm towards noon. Edwd went to Ashton & tuned Mrs Walter Brooke's piano before dinner. Afternoon Gilbert T Smith Sr called. I saw Chas G. Porter & gave him an order for $73.08 on Bro R. J I's estate to secure interest on rent due to date. Chas F Kirk called to see Sister H. After supper Dora, Alice Peirce and Bessie Robison went in the Surry to a party at "Norwood" Edwd taking them. Phil Robison ran a nail in his foot at "Eldon " from which he suffered greatly for a time. Luck & Ellen Stabler called after supper.

Ther. 63 degrees Clear Wind N.W. Friday 2d

Still cool & pleasant. I walked to the P.O. & to the mill. Afternoon Edwd Hilles & Frank R drove over to Riverside "for a service." The young folks got home from their party last night before midnight they seemed to have had a "good time." After supper Edwd went to Olney to a "dance club" meeting on his bicycle. Alice Peirce is still here having come over to go with our children to the party. Jno W Johnson was here to see me about getting an increase of his pension & to fill out papers etc. for the Pension Bureau.

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Ther. 60o Clear & Cloudy Wind S Sat. Aug. 4th, 1895

Warmer weather again. Sister Harriet & Alice Peirce walked down to call at "Bloomfield." I drove up to "Marden" before dinner. Afternoon I drove down to Ashton. After supper I was called to see Old "Uncle Henson" & walked over & prescribed for him. A.F. Fairall was here to consult me for himself. I walked up to the store & P.O.

Ther. 70o Clear & Cloudy Wind Variable Sunday 4th

I walked down to Jno Ed Hills to see "Uncle Henson" again and went to meeting. Afternoon I went again to Hill's to see about a wash woman for H. also went to the village and called to see A F Fairall. Edwd has quite a bad "sore throat." A thunder gust passed around us indeed two of them one north & another South giving us a sprinkle of rain & some thunder & lightning about dusk.

Ther. 70o Clear Wind Variable Mon. Aug. 5th, 1895

This has been a hot day. Edwd is quite sick with quinsy sore throat and I have not felt well my self being weak & miserable. Afternoon John W Johnson was here. Sister Lizzie & Estelle Cleveland called. Willie brough Sophie Peirce over & they took tea here. "Phil" Robison has been suffering with his foot a good deal to day I over to see him twice. I went up to the store & P.O. & to the mill.

Ther. 75 Clear Wind S.E. Tuesday 6

Still hot weather but a breeze from the South makes it bearable. Willie came at breakfast time & brought us some milk.

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Left page Ther. 75 Clear & Cloudy Wind S Wed. Aug 7th, 1895 Still hot weather. I was sent for again & rode over to see old "Uncle Henson Hill. I also went in to see "Phil" Robison again who seemed somewhat better. Edwd also is much better but still not well. Afternoon I drove down to Ashton Jno Henderson going with me. John W. Johnson was here again to see about his pension papers. A woman .... Carter who lives on Robt Stabler's place brought her daughter to the office for advice & medicine. Kate Matthews "ironed" for H this morning for an hour or two.

Ther. 70 Clear Wind N.W. Thursday 8th We had a very light shower of rain last night, but not sufficient to "lay" the dust in the road: it has been slightly cooler however. John W Johnson was here and I prescribed for him & went with him to see Alan Farquhar but did not find him. Alice Peirce came & took Sister Harriet to "Fairfield" to spend a few days. Afternoon I went up to Henderson's for butter for H. & the papers. Also went in to see "Phil" Robison again, he seems decidedly better. Edwd is also much better.

Right page Ther. 76 Clear Wind Variable Fri. Aug. 9, 1895 A hot day. I drove to Ashton & to Jno Ed Hill's to see "Uncle Henson" again. Have not felt well all day, the weather is too hot for me. Afternoon Edwd & Hilles & Frank Robison drove over to the River for a swim. John [Lethbridge was at the office for a prescription for his wife. I went up to Henderson's for the papers & over to see "Phil" Robison again. He is getting along very nicely now.

Ther. 77 degrees Clear Wind S.E. & N. W. Saturday 10 The hottest day we have had for a long time. Mariana Stabler was here for advice & medicine. Also a poor women "Annie Murphy" who was looking for employment. Willie and Fanny came, Willie & Edwd drove over to Muncaster's & home to dinner. Afternoon I went up to the Village & made Affidavit to some pension papers before Notary Public Allen Farquhar for John W Johnson. After supper Dora, Fanny & Willie walked down to "Bloomfield" to call. I walked up to the P.O. again. I have suffered more than usual from the effects of the heat, which has prostrated me very much.

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Ther. 75o Clear Wind Variable Thurs. Aug. 15th, 1895

Edward came home before dinner from "Fairfield." Willie & Fanny also came to stay all night. We had quite a shower of rain and it looked as though we were to have a heavy thunder storm but it divided & most of it went to the North & South of us. After supper Henry Powell was at the office for advice & medicine. I bought a basket of peaches and some eggplants & cantelupes of Joe or "Doad" Curley on account of bill he owes me.

Ther. 76 Clear Wind Friday 16

Willie went to Joe Stabler's and brought us 200 lbs clover hay. I walked down to Ashton & back. W & F went to Fairfield. Caroline Budd here for advice & mediciine Also Mr Cha's Hallowall. Frank Robison took my horse & buggy & went to P. T. Stabler's for flour. Afternoon there was every appearance of a thunder gust coming from N.W. but it stopped short of us & gradually disappeared in a strange sort of a way without our getting anything of it but a nice breeze.

73o Cloudy Wind Variable Sat. Aug 17, 1895

We had several light showers last night & again this sfternoon. Estelle Cleveland called this morning on her bicycle. Edwd rode with her to Riverside" & dined there. I walked down to Ashton before dinner. Afternoon Sister H came back from "Woodburne." Mahlon Jr bringing her. Herbert Rick arrived from Philada. about 7.o'clk this evening. Riding his bicycle from Laurel, he was caught in a shower on the road.

Ther. 72 Clear Wind Variable Sunday 18th

Another beautiful summer day. I went up to the village. Edwd took his aunt H over to Riverside & Eldon to spend the day. Herbert also went. They all returned in the evening. Edward drove over & brought Willie home with him. Edwd Peirce & Willie called here this morning on their way home from Chas Peirce's. I sent by Harry Gilpin to Balto for some medicine.

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Ther. 70 Clear Wind N.W. Mon. Aug. 19th, 1895

Fanny drove over & took Willie back to "Fairfield" soon after breakfast. Cousin Hannah Chandlee was here. Miss Sarah Kirk called, also Lizzie Scott. Richard C. P. Iddings & Nora Stabler called on bicycles & Herbert & Edwd rode with them to Riverside and remained to dinner there. After dinner, John Johnson was here for medicine. I walked up to see a game of "base ball ("Sandy Spring" versus "Highland") in Marg Gilpins field.

Ther. 56o Clear & Cloudy Wind S.E. Tuesday 20th

Quite cool this morning. Fanny came soon after breakfast & she & Sister H started out to make calls returning to dinner. "John" came & helped fix some probs in the ice house Edwd helping him. Lucinda Hill washed for H. Afternoon Willie came from "Fairfield." Ernest came & took tea with us: After supper Willie & Fanny went to a dancing party at Olney Grange Hall, driving their own horse & carriage. Edwd also went riding "Frank." It looks & feels like our having an Easterly rain, which is much needed the corn & pasture are suffering for want of rain & the roads extremely dusty.

Ther. 62 Clear Wind S.E. Wed. Aug. 21st, 1895

"John" was here for more medicine Old "Uncle Henson" also called. I drove down to Ashton. Lethbridge's blind horse (with an infant boy driving) tried to climb into the back of my buggy & came near making a general "smash up." Willie hung the front gate. Afternoon "Herbert" came & after getting dressed went to "Fair Hill" to spend the night. Miss Sarah Kirk came & took Sister H to Fair Hill to make a visit. W & Fanny went to "Fairfield" after dinner. Bulwar made a spirit lamp for me. I walked up to the store after supper.

Ther. 56 Clear Wind N.W. Thursday 22d

Quite chilly this morning. I drove over to "Riverside" to see Bro Wm again, Edwd going with me, home to dinner. Afternoon Harriet & I went to "Eldon" to tea by invitation, it being an "Iddings re union." We had a very nice time & enjoyed it greatly.

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