Diary: Caleb E. Iddings, 1895



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Ther. 65o Clear Wind S Fri. Aug. 23d, 1895

Herbert & Edwd rode over to "Riverside" before dinner. Afternoon I mailed letter to T.H. Borden. Mr J.W. Tusley (of the Brookeville Academy) & Wm Riggs called to see me. Chas Kirk & wife brought Sister H back from "Fairhill. Rachael Proctor & daughter were here for advice & med for the former.

Ther. 70 Clear Wind S Saturday 24th

Still hot & dusty, the roads are more dusty than I have seen them for years & the corn etc. parched up. I drove to Ashton. Edwd took Sister Harriet to "The Cottage" to spend the day. Herbert came from Riverside & also went to "The Cottage." Edwd went to "Fairfield" after dinner to bring Willie & Fanny home. After supper W rode E's bicycle back to "Fairfield" to spend the night & return tomorrow morning. After dusk Edwd went to "The Cottage" to bring his Aunt H back. After dark Frank Hopkins (son of "Ned") was here for advice & medicine.

Ther. 60o Clear Wind N.W. Sun. Aug. 25th, 1895

Willie came (after breakfast) from "Fairfield" on Edwd's bicycle. Wind blowing strong from N.W. all night and this morning. I went to meeting & heard a good sermon from Charles M. Stabler who with his bride is visiting the neighborhood from the "George School" in Pa. Afternoon Willie and Fanny & Alice (who drove over after them before dinner) all returned to "Fairfield," Edwd & Harriet rode over to "Riverside." E returned to supper & Herbert remained to spend the night there.

Ther. 70 Clear Wind S Monday 26th

Still hot & dusty. I went to the village & brought home my new "dash" & put it on the phaeton. Herbert came over from "Riverside" changed his clothes & went back before dinner. Edward rode his bicycle over to Eldon & Alcinda Hill washed for H. Rach Anna Bowen was here this morning for advice & medicine.

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Ther. 68o Cloudy & Rain Wind S E Tues. Aug. 27th, 1895

We had several showers this morning but it cleared off before afternoon. This is Herbert Kirks 32 birth day & Edwd Peirce's 75th. We invited a family party to tea and Lizzie & Estelle from "Riverside" & Willie & Fanny came. A thunder gust came so near us about dusk that Lizzie & Estelle left soon after tea. W & F concluded to stay all night. Herbert came over from Riverside before dinner.

Ther. 75 Clear Wind S Wednesday 28th

This has been a very hot day thermometer 92 on office porch at 3.o'clk p.m. Edwd took his aunt H & Dora to "Riverside" to spend the day he coming home to dinner & going for them in the afternoon getting home before bed time by moon light. Herbert went to call at "Woodburn" and "Fair Hill" & then went to "Riverside" before dinner. I went to the mill for papers & to the store. Loaned Chas Stabler my copy of Burn's Songs etc.

Ther. 77 Clear & Cloudy Wind S.W. Thurs. Aug. 29, 1895

Another hot day. Herbert came & after making several calls round the neighborhood went back to "Riverside" to spend the night. Edwd took his aunt Hallie to Samuel Thomas to a meeting of the "Old Ladies Association." After which he went to a "corn roast" on the Patuxent River. Lizzie Iddings & Estelle Cleveland called. We had a light shower, but not enough to "lay the dust." After supper I drove over to Saml Thomas' & took Sister H to Mary Gilpins to make a visit.

Ther. 67 Cloudy & Clear Wind S Friday 30th

We had a shower & high wind about 11.o'clk last night. I drove to Ashton this morning. Edwd came home from E. Peirce's this afternoon. Willie also came to spend the night. Herbert was here to dinner and after riding up to Marg Gilpin's returned to supper & to spend the night.

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Ther. 70 Cloudy & Clearing Wind Variable Sat. Aug. 31, 1895

Looked very much like a settled rain early this a.m. but cleared off again. Herbert Kirk left for Philada this morning riding his bicycle to Laurel. Willie & Edwd rode with him as far as Robt Stabler's. Willie then took Frank & the phaeton to bring Fanny here this evening expecting to be gone all day. Afternoon Richard C P Iddings called. "Turner" also called & paid Miss Alice Tyson's bill. About 4.o'clock a heavy thunder gust passed very close to us passing north of us but half an hour later we had a splendid rain, the first we have had for weeks & an hour later still another heavier than the first with some thunder & lightning. Edwd went to Hendersons in the evening. Will & Fanny came after dark. Lightning struck in several places in the neighborhood.

Ther. 58o Clear Wind N.W. Sunday, Sept. 1st

Quite cool this morning. The lightning struck a locust tree near Jos Stabler's house and burned a building on -- Barnsley's place in the storms yesterday afternoon. Willie & Edwd drove to Riverside & brought Br. C's bicycle home with them: Sister H came from Mary Gilpin's before dinner. I went to meeting (monthly meeting. Mrs Estelle Moore was here for advice & medicine at dinner time. Afternoon Will & Edwd went with Fanny to "Fairfield." taking their bicycles with them to ride back, she walking & them going with her for company. They came home by moonlight. I walked down the road to meet them. This has been a delightfully cool day after the hot weather we have had lately.

Ther. 48 Clear Wind N.W. Mon. Sept 2d, 1895

Almost frosty this morning. Willie & Edwd left for Washington on their bicycles at 7.o'clk this a.m. I rode over to Lydia Thomas' on horseback to see about hay. W & E came home at 5.o'clk p.m. Fanny drove over before supper to stay all night. After supper Will & Fanny walked over to Edwd & John Bentley's to see about some weaving work. Alcinda Hill washed for H.

Ther. 55 Clear Wind N.W. Tuesday 3d

Willie went to Rockville to the "Fair," taking samples of their weaving for exhibition. Caroline Budd was here for advice & medicine etc. by John Hill's daughter. Afternoon Edwd went to the store to help them. He took his uncle Chas' bicycle to "Riverside" this morning. "Phil" Robison going along in the phaeton to bring him back. I walked up to the store & shops in the afternoon.

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Ther. 62o Clear Wind S. E. Wed. Sept. 4, 1895

I was called up about 3.o'clk this a.m. & rode (on horseback) with William Cuff (who came for me) over to his house to attend Minnie Iddings (Ernest's wife) in confinement. I left her another fine boy, born at 9.35 this morning. I reached home before dinner time. Afternoon I was called out again & drove over to prescribe for Matilda Tasko. Blanch Curley sent for more advice & medicine, her sister in law Walter Grady's wife bringing me a note from her. After supper Dora & Edward drove over to "Eldon" to take a letter & other things to Sister Harriet.

Ther. 66 Cloudy & Clear Wind E Thursday 5th

Edwd "Hilles & Frank Robison went to the "Fair" at Rockville driving "Old Bell leaving here at 7.o'clock. I drove to "Eldon" and to see Minnie again, home to dinner. Walter Grady's wife was here again for advice etc. for Curley's wife. Matilda Tasko's daughter also here to report her mother "better." Martha Bowen here on account of "Ruth Anna" (her sister).

Ther. 68 Rainy Wind NE & N.W. Fri. Sept. 6th, 1895

Commenced raining about 4.o'clk this a.m. & continued a "settled" rain. Raining very fast & hard most of the time til afternoon. John Warfield was here. Dan Powell came & took "Old Bell" away. After dinner I walked down to Chas G Porters in the rain. It seemed like clearing off towards evening. Gertrude Tasko was here for advice & medicine for Matilda (her mother.) This fine rain will be of great benefit to the country after the drouth we have had.

Ther. 70 Clear Wind Variable Saturday 7th

John Bowen was here before we were up. After breakfast I drove down to his house to prescribe for Ruth Anna. After which I took Harriet in the phaeton & drove over to see "Minnie" again, we calso called at "Homewood" & "Eldon" home to dinner. Afternoon Edwd drove to "Eldon" & brought Sister H back with him to supper. I walked up to the store.

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Ther. 71 Cloudy & Clear Wind Sun. Sept. 8th, 1895

Warmer weather again & looks like more rain. I went to meeting. Afternoon Edwd drove his mother, Aunt Harriet and Dora to Riverside in the "Surry." I was sent for & walked down to John Bowen's to see Ruth Anna again. Harriet & Dora drove themselves home leaving Edward to walk, he reached home after dark.

Ther. 71 Clear Wind S.E. Monday 9th

This is my 66th Birthday. I drove down to see Ruth Anna Bowen again. A. J. Fairnall rode back with me from Ashton. Edwd commenced going to "Sherwood School" again. Afternoon Miss Margt Reinson brought Mrs Baker's little boy to the office with both elbow joints dislocated. I reduced them and she took him home seeming quite comfortable. Mrs Robison came in after supper. Alcinda Hill washed for H.

Ther. 71 Cloudy & Clearing Wind Variable Tues. Sept. 10th, 1895

I drove down to Ashton & called at Mrs Baker's & readjusted the dressings, supports etc. applied to the little boy ("Louis") arms. I also drove down to see Ruth A. Bowen again. Afternoon Mrs B.O. Hardy was here & I lanced an abcess on one of her fingers. After school Edwd rode his bicycle to "Fairfield."

Ther. 72 Clear Wind Wednesday 11th

I drove down to see Ruth Ann Bowen again, taking Dora with me to Ashton. She walked over to the "Cottage" to call upon Mariana Stabler. I called to see Mrs Baker's boy again & from there to "Fairfield"to prescribe for Fanny, called at Brighton store for some medicine for the Baker boy home to dinner. Edwd staid at "Fairfield" last night & came home in time for school this morning.

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