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Ther. 39o Clear Wind N.W. Wed. Oct. 2d, 1895
Cool & frosty again. Willie painted the front gate after riding down to Ashton (on E's bicycle) for the paint. Jno. Ed Hill came & cut & split the wood at the wood pile. Afternoon Willie took Dora & Fanny to "Fairfield" in the "Surry." I went with them as far as Cuff's where I went to see "Minnie." I walked home from there & Edwd walked up to "Fairfield" & brought the horse & carriage home reaching home after dark. Some rascally boy (at "Sherwood School) injured one of E's bicycle tires so as to render it useless.
Ther. 38o Clear Wind N.W. Thursday 3d
Beautiful autumn weather. Harriet & I drove to "Riverside" to make a call. We also called at "Eldon" as we came home, we returned in time for dinner. Afternoon I walked up to the shops & P.O. Marg Gilpins dog was killed, supposedly to be "mad." Edwd drove to "Fairfield" to bring his sister home after school. Margt. G. T Moore was here this morning to consult me. Edwd & Dora came home by moonlight and brought Alice Peirce with them.
Ther. 48o Clear Wind N.W. Fri. Oct. 4th, 1895
Another lovely day. I drove down to see Ruth Anna Bowen again. I also called to Mrs Baker's to see her boy Louis who is doing so well. I will not see him again unless he meets with some misshap. "Johnny" Thomas brought his son (Wm John) to have a tooth extracted just before supper time.
Ther. 45o Clear Wind N.W. Saturday 5th
Willie came from "Fairfield" last night (after midnight) to go & prescribe for Edwd Peirce who was suffering from an attack of "gravel." I drove over & remained until after breakfast this a.m. Wil came with me & took back our "sitz bath" tub. Alice also went back with him. Afternoon W came again on his way to Olney for some carpet rugs: he reports E.P. much relieved by the "hip bath" (hot as he could bear. Edwd went to Olney with W. Martha Bowen was here to report her sister's condition & for advice.
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Ther. 46o Clear Wind Sun. Oct. 6th, 1895
Was called by "phone" & drove up to see Edwd Peirce again; this time for obstruction of bowels. I suceeded in relieving him & remained until afternoon; called at E R Stabler's & saw him, Isaac Hartshorne & T S Stabler's home about 4.30 p.m. It has been warmer to day & is cloudy this evening since sunset. Cousin Hannah Chandlee called at the
Ther. 60 Cloudy & Rain Wind Change Monday 7th
It looked like having a rain day but cleared off afternoon & was quite warm. Margt G T Moore came to the office for advice & medicine before dinner. Afternoon I drove over to "Fairfield" to see Edwd Peirce again. My horse "Frank" was taken lame in "off" front foot on way home. I drove down to "Bloomfield" and brought Hannah Chandlee home with me to make us a visit.
Ther. 59o Rain, Cloudy & Clearing Wind Tues. Oct. 8th, 1895
Rain until about 9.o'clk and after noon it cleared off. I recd. a telephonic message from "Fairfield" that E. Peirce was so much better that I need not turn out in the rain unless they called me. After supper I went over to the Lyceum to a Rail Road meeting.
Ther. 34o Clear Wind N.W. Wednesday 8th
I rode on horseback to Ashton & on to "Fairfield" to see E Perice, who is much better but still in bed. I dined there & reached home at 2.o'clk p.m. Henry Powell was here for advice & medicine for his wife. I went to the mill for corn meal. Cousin Hannah Chandlee went back to "Bloomfield" they sending for her before supper time. Gathered the pears & apples off the trees. H & Edward taking them off just before dark.
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Ther. 28o Clear Wind N.W. Thurs. Oct. 10, 1895
The coldest day we have had this autumn so far, heavy frost some ice formed on kitchen porch. I went up to the store for coffee went again after dark after the load of goods arrived from Laurel. Helped Edwd repair his bicycle tire after supper.
Ther. 38o Clear & Cloudy Wind S.E. Friday 11th
I was about home all day, except at the mill & P.O. Afternoon Willie came over to take Hannah Chandlee to "Fairfield" from Ed Bentley's and called here on his way. After supper Edwd went to "Norwood" to spend the evening going on his bicycle with a lantern, it being quite dark.
Ther. 40 Rain & Cloudy Wind S.E. Sat. Oct 12th, 1895
Rain commenced falling after midnight last & continued until about noon. I was telephoned for and rode up to "Marden" to see Miss Alice Tyson. I also rode down to "Bloomfield" to see cousin Hannah Chandlee. Henson Hopkins was here for advice & medicine for himself. Willie & Fanny came before supper to spend the night with us. After supper I walked up to the store. Willie & Edwd going with me.
Ther. 42 Rain Wind S.E. Sunday 13
Rain & disagreable until toward noon when it cleared off. I went to "meeting" which was a silent one. Willie & Fanny went back to "Fairfield" before dinner. Afternoon Martha Bowen & her sister "Carrie Powell" were here, the former to report Ruth Anna's condition & latter for advice etc. for herself. After dark Frank Hopkins was at the office for advice & med:
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Ther. 48 Clearing Wind N. Mon. Oct. 14th, 1895
Clear this morning, & warmer again. I put a new hoop on a tire for H. and hunted up some wood. Afternoon I rode down to Ashton on horseback, cut & wheeled into the stable the sowed corn fodder.
Ther. 55 Clear & Cloudy Wind S.E. Tuesday 15th
I rode over to "Riverside" & back to dinner. Afternoon I rode down to see Ruth A. Bowen who is "sinking" rapidly. Went up to Hendersons for the papers. Edwd is suffering from a wretched cold to say the least of it. I only hope it may not prove anything worse. He could not attend school.
Ther. 53 Clear Wind S.E. Wed. Oct. 16th, 1895
I was tinkering about home all day until after supper. I walked up to the store and was at the mill for the papers after dinner. I brought over from Mrs Robison's lot parts of the old fence C put there. Edwd was not well enought to attend school but went down & looked after the fires, his cold is somewhat better.
Ther. 48 Clear Wind N.W. Thursday 17th
Have been suffering with a headache all day & staid about home. Bro Chas called this morning. I cut & brought over some corn fodder from Mrs Robison's lot. Went up to the mill for the papers. Edwd's cold is much better & he went to school again.
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Ther. Clear Wind N.W. Fri. Oct. 18th, 1895
Beautiful autumn day. Margt G T Moore was here to consult me before her return to Suffolk Va. I rode to Ashton on horseback before dinner. Went to the mill for the papers to the store afternoon. After school Edwd rode his bicycle to "Fairfield" to spend the night.
Ther. 47 Clear Wind N.W. Saturday 19th
Another lovely day. I rode down to Ashton called at Mrs. Baker's. Afternoon I rode over to John Tasko's. "Matt" Bells two daughters were here & each had a tooth extracted. Edwd came home from "Fairfield" towards evening. Willie & Fanny also came to supper. Saml Bond sent some carpet keys from "Oakdale" for W to weave leaving them here for him. After supper Willie & I went up to the store and called at Fairall's shop.
Ther. Clear Wind N. W. Sun. Oct. 20th, 1895
Edwd Boswell called to see me. Bro. Chas & Sister Lizzie spent an hour or two with us bringing me some money from Ernest & Minnie. I have a wretched cold & cough. Callers prevented me from going to meeting. Still lovely weather. After dinner Willie took his mother, Dora & Fanny a drive in the "Surry" driving "Frank" & "Sally" they went through Brookewille around to "Fairfield" where they left Fanny & came home at 4.30 after which W went back to "Fairfield." I went up to Henderson's for papers. After supper I walked up & mailed a letter to Thos Walters of S (Tacoma D.C.)
Ther. 43o Clear Wind N.W. Monday 21st
I cut some "hay grass" for the horse on Mrs R's lot. Bought 1/4 cord of oak wood from Mrs Robison & wheeled it over to the wood house sawed & split some of it; went up to the mill & to the store. After noon Edwd went to Olney for some butter on bicycle. Lizzie Scott & Kate Stabler called to see Dora.