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Ther. 30 Clear Wind S Tues. Oct. 22d, 1895
This is the coldest morning so far this fall. Mrs Baker's little boy brought me part of the money due me from his mother. Afternoon I cut more "wild hay" for the horse. Willie called having been to take a carpet to Olney, he left us a 1/2 barrel of flour. I went to Henderson's for the papers & to the mill for screenings for the chickens. It looks as though we might have some rain before tomorrow morning.
Ther. 42 Clear Wind N.W. Wednesday 23d
Cleared off during last night. I rode down to Ashton on horse back & returned before dinner. Bro. Charles called & smoked a pipe with me. Afternoon I recd a postal card from Thos Waters of S. and wrote in reply enclosing money order for seventeen dollars in payment of taxes. Lizzie Scott called to see Dora. After supper Frank Hopkins was here to see me. The boys "Phil & Frank" Robison were in the office helping E fix his bicycle. I walked up to the store for some coffee & mailed letter to T. H. Borden in N.Y.
Right page Ther. Clear Wind Thurs. Oct 24th, 1895
I rode over to see Joseph Stabler to purchase some hay. I also rode on to John Johnson's to see him but could not find him. Jos Stabler engaged to bring me 500 lbs of hay tomorrow morning. I paid him $2.00. Afternoon went to Hendersons for the papers. Also cut some weeds etc. for bedding for the horse.
Ther. 40 Clear Wind S.W. Friday 25th
Weather continued fine but exceedingly dry. Joseph Stabler sent me 400 lbs of mixed hay on ox cart. H Easton's mother in law put her horse in our stable. Chas Stabler called & we talked "Burns & Ingresoll" for an hour or two. Afternoon an "organ grinder" with another Italian & a monkey came along & gave us some music. After supper Dora & Edwd went to the Lyceum to a lecture upon "elecution" by a Miss Brigham from Washinton D.C.
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Ther. 41 Clear Wind S.W. Sat. Oct. 26th, 1895
I rode down to E P Thomas' to see B.O. Hardy. Called at Ashton & had a new shoe put on "Frank's" off front foot." After noon I rode over to Lydia Ann Budd's to see her daughter "Connie." Willie & Fanny came to supper. After dark W & I walked up to the store.
Ther. 42 Clear & Cloudy Wind S.W. Sunday 27th
I went to meeting which was a very small one on account of "Yearly Meeting" in Baltimore. Afternoon Willie took Dora, Fanny & Edwd a drive in the Surry driving both horses. B.O. Hardy sent his boy with a little money for me: this morning Willie Fanny & Dora went to church at "Olney." I walked up to Henderson's for the papers. After supper W & F went back to Fairfield.
Ther. Clear Wind Mon. Oct. 28, 1895
Left home in the early stage for Laurel: left Laurel at 9.30 and after waiting in Balto about an hour took the "Royal Blue" train to New York where I arrived at[ [ser..y?]] after 3.o'clk p.m. found my old friend Thos H Borden and went with him to his place of business and from there to his rooms. We took lunch at the Aston House & spent the evening at Borden's rooms. Mrs B was not in the city, being still at her country home in Mass. I occupied the room usually assigned to Miss Sherman adjoining Bordens.
Ther. Clear Wind Tuesday 29th
Went with T.H.B. to breakfast at the Aston House after which we went around to various places of interest, viewing the "sky scraing" office buildings etc. lunched again at Aston House & took supper at "Curriers" (under Borden's rooms.) Spent evening at the rooms several friends of his friends having been invited to meet us there.
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Ther. Wed. Oct. 30, 1895 Wea.
No Entry
Ther. Thursday 31 Wea.
No Entry
Ther. Cloudy Wea. Fri. Nov. 1, 1895
Reached home in the afternoon stage and found all well.
Ther. 35 Rain & Sleet Wind Saturday 2d
Very disagreeable rainy morning. I am feeling quite unwell having taken cold. Afternoon it cleared off. Talbot J Awkward was here for more medicine. Willie & Fanny came in time for supper. After dark W & Edwd drove "Frank" to Olney, where W went to collect some money that was due him.
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Ther. 29 CLear Wind Sun. Nov. 3d, 1895
Quite cold this morning. I did not go to meeting but spent most of the day in the house. After dinner Willie & Fanny, Dora & Edwd took a drive in the Surry with both horses bringing Alice Peirce with them to supper. After spending the evening W. F & Alice went back to Fairfield. I wrote to F Tyson.
Ther. 30 Clear Wind Monday 4th
Lydia Ann Budd's daughter "Connie" was here for advice & medicine. Mrs Vedder was here to see Dora. Afternoon I did some work at the wood pile. Phil Robison borrowed my horse & buggy to go to P.T. Stabler's for their flour. After supper I went up to the store for some tobacco and called at the telegraph office.
Ther 45 Clearing Wind E Tues. Nov. 5th, 1895
General Election day in Md. & many other states. I drove up to Olney to the polls, taking old Mr. Perry Leizear with me. Brother Charles came & remained to lunch & to supper; in the evening (after 8.o'clk) he & I went over to the Lyceum to hear returns from the elections: we left there about 10.30 after being satisfied that "Lowndes" (the Anti German man") had been elected Governor. C going home by moonlight.
Ther. 47 Fog & Drizzle Wind Wednesday 6th
"Loundes" election as Govenor confirmed. I voted for all of our democratic County officers as I always have done, but in order to break up the "German Ring" I voted for "Lowndes" for Governor as did thousands of other real democrats. We have elected the whole County democratic ticket, which is a great satisfaction to me. Bro C called at the gate on his way to "Sharon." I walked up to the store after dinner. After supper Edwd went up to Hendersons to practice on their piano.
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Ther 44 Cloudy WInd Variable Thurs. Nov. 7th, 1895
Cloudy & Misty. I drove over to see Old Sarah Hammond, met Martha Bowen & sister on road and the former paid me $2.00 on account of Ruth Anna's bill. I drove on over towards Riverside called at Remus Hills to see him about bill against Louisa Bowen's estate, came home to dinner. Afternoon I was called (by telephone) & drove over to prescribe for Chas. T. Hill's infant. Edward went after school to Benj H Miller's to fix something about their piano.
Ther. 54o Cloudy Wind S.E. Friday 8th
I drove over to see C T Hill's infant again and dined at "Riverside." Afternoon John W Johnson was here for advice & medicine. It has been threatning rain all day & was quite warm. I went up to Hendersons for the papers & to the store. Cousins Hannah Chandlee and Hallie Bentley called. After supper I walked up to the P.O. and mailed letter to Roland Moore enclosing bill.
Ther. 60 Clear Wind S. Sat Nov 9th 1895
Very warm for this time of year. I drove to Olney store for butter & coffee. Afternoon I went to mill for a bag of feed. Sarah Stabler called to see Harriet. Talbot Awkard was here again for advice & medicine. Willie & Fanny came about 4.o'clk. Willie drove up to Olney to deliver a carpet to John Burnside. He came home after dark. I rode down to Ashton about dusk for medicine etc.
Ther. 46 Rain Wind Variable Sunday 10th
Very disagreeable rainy day until towards sunset when it cleared off much cooler. I went to meeting. Very few attended there being quarterly meeting at "Fallston." Afternoon Wm Cooley was here for examination & advice bringing a note from Mary E Moore. Willie & I sawd & cut wood at wood pile. Towards night I went up to Hendersons for the papers. Willie & Fanny staid until after supper leaving here about 7.40 for "Fairfield."