Diary: Caleb E. Iddings, 1895



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Ther. 34o Cloudy Wind N E Mon. Nov. 11th, 1895

Quite chilly & raw all day and this evening looks & feels like snow. Lydia Ann Budd was here to consult me about her daughter "Connie." Talbot Awkard was here to see & consult me again. Lizzie Scott here to see Dora. Mrs. Vedder also called to see her. I raked up leaves for bedding for the horse. Went up to the mill for screenings for the chickens & turkeys.

Ther. 30o Clear Wind N.W. Tuesday 12th

It cleared off during last night and was quite cold to day considerable ice formed about the well curb. I have not felt well all day having taken more cold. Went up to Hendersons for the papers. After school was out Edwd went to hunt mushrooms over in "Scott's meadow" & was gone until after dark. He only succeeded in finding a small "mess." After supper he went with Phil Robison over to "Sharon" to try to have the "handle bar" of his bicycle mended.

Ther. 30 CLearing Wind N.E. Wed. Nov. 13th, 1895

Raw & chilly N.E. wind all day. I walked up to the store & shops. Afternoon Marcelline Sidgwick was here for advice & medicine. Old Mr Oldfield made me a sursingle of strong leather. I rode over to see Charles T Hill about getting our coal from Washington. After school Edwd rode over to Samuel Thomas' to see about fixing an electric door bell for them. One of the wall brackets broke loose & went to the bottom. I "fished it up" & repaired the chain. Mrs Vedder called again to see Dora.

Ther. 39 Rain Wind N.E. Thursday 14th Commenced raining before daylight this morning & is raw & disagreeable but not as cold as yesterday. Robert Miller's team brought us 1/2 cords of oak wood. I returned the wood we borrowed of Mrs Robison. Alice Peirce came before dinner. Fanny bringing her & going right back without coming in. "Old John" went for me over to Lydia A Budd's with his horse & cart brought me three bushels of corn (6 bushels of ears). This has been a real rainy day & is still raining at bed time tonight.

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Ther. 40o Clearing Wind Fri. Nov 15th, 1895

Rained more or less all last night but is trying to clear off this morning. Commenced raining again about 9.o'clk & continued until towards evening, when it cleared off with wind N.W. Willie went to "OakDale" & Olney to deliver a carpet & called as he returned and took dinner with us going back to "Fairfield" soon after: I wheeled down some cinder from the mill filled in a mud hole in front of the stable doors.

Ther. 45o Cloudy & Clearing Wind S.W. Saturday 16th

Chas G Porter called to see me & sat awhile & "talked rail road etc." I was called by telephone & drove down to see B. Owen Hardy who was suffering greatly from a "strangulated hernia" which I reduced & came home to dinner. Afternoon Alice Peirce walked home Edwd going with her to Benj H Miller's. I drove down to Hardey's again & found him quite comfortable & free from pain called at Ashton for some salt meat etc. Thos Love & his brother "Moss" were here for advice & medicine for the latter. After supper Edwd & I went to the store for groceries etc.

Ther. 50 Cloudy Wind S.W. Sun. Nov. 17th, 1895

Was called again by telephone to go to relieve B. O Hardy, who was in much the same condition as before. I fear some serious inflamatory trouble but succeeded in relieving temporarily at least. Willie & Fanny came to spend the day. Afternoon Willie Dora & Fanny & Edwd took a walk & brought home a fine lot of mushrooms of which we had a treat for supper.

Ther. 54o Clear Wind N.W. Monday 18th

This has been a beautiful day just cool enough to be pleasant. Moss Love called to see me, he is broken out with "chicken pox" as I had discovered when he was here on Saturday. I drove down to see B O Hardy again found him much "better" & hope he may (with great care) get along nicely & soon be about again. Had a shoe put on "Frank" "off hind foot." Afternoon Geo. B McCeney tax collector called to see me. Martha Bowen also called & paid me something on Ruth Anna's bill.

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Ther. 50 Clear Wind S E Tues. Nov. 19th, 1895

Another beautiful day. Chas. T. Hill sent us (in a horse cart) 1/4 ton of small nut coal & 1 barrel of yellow corn on the cob: colored boy (Elijah Hacket) bringing it & helped put it away. I carried over from Mrs R's lot some corn fodder & raked up leaves for bedding for the horse. Afternoon I rode down to Ashton on horseback. Willie dined with us on his way back from delivering a carpet above Olney.

Ther. 42 Cloudy Wind NE & NW Wednesday 20th

It rained during last night and was raw & chilly all day: the wind changed to N W & there was a "spit" of snow for a few minutes. After dinner I went up to the mill & signed the teacher's report of our public school also provided some bills for repairs cleaning etc. Lizzie Scott was here to see Dora. I went up to the store P.O. etc. After supper I went again to the store for coal oil etc. Miss Mary Fowler came in to borrow a lantern.

Ther. 20o Clear Wind Thurs. Nov. 21st, 1895

This was the coldest morning so far ice 3/4 of an inch thick formed on the kitchen porch. I put up the coal stove in our room & made a fire in it for the first time this fall. I also filed & set the wood saw & carried over some corn fodder. Willie came just before supper time having been to Brookeville. He brought us some sausage, lard etc. Alcinda Hall was here for H. After supper Dora went with Willie to "Fairfield" to attend some church meeting tomorrow at Brighton or "Crow Town."

Ther. 23o Clear Wind S.E. Friday 22d

Still cold but fine weather except the wind blowing strong from S.E. made it unpleasant out of doors. I rode down to Ashton before dinner. Afternoon I went up to the mill & to the store. After school Edwd drove to "Fairfield" to bring Dora home. Dr Frank Thomas' wife called bringing us some fresh pork. Lizzie Scott also called & Lucy Stabler.

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Ther. 40 Clear & Cloudy Wind S.E. Sat. Nov. 23d, 1895

Considerably warmer to day. H & Edwd took up the carrots from the garden. John Rounds sawd & split wood at the wood pile all the forenoon, going home after dinner. Willie & Fanny came just at supper time. After supper Willie & I walked up to the store. I called to see John Oldfield again having been called to see him this morning after breakfast.

Ther. 41 Cloudy & Rain Wind N.W. Sunday 24th

I felt quite unwell, headache & rheumatic pains. Went to meeting also went to see Old Mr Oldfield again after meeting. It rained at intervals all day. Edwd & I put up a new "push button" at the office door connected with an electric bell in the dining room. Mrs Robison came in & spent part of the evening.

Ther. 40 Cloudy Foggy & Rain Wind N.E. Mon. Nov 25th, 1895

Extremely raw disagreeable day throughout. Willie & Fanny left for "Fairfield" after early breakfast. After dinner I went up to the post office to mail some letters & received one from T. H. Borden which I answered and went up again & mailed it in the 2.o'clk mail. It is so foggy that we could not see the mill and occasionally drizzling rain. I went in next door & made a call. Bessie Robison was here to see Dora.

Ther. 61 Cloujdy & Rain Wind S.W. Tuesday 26th

Another disagreeable day, the wind blew with violence all last night from S.W. with rain part of the time. We, none of us,(except H) slept much. Dora has had an ugly head ache for two days past. It rained hard this afternoon and wind changed to N.W. & is blowing a gale this evening. Wallace Bond brought me some medicine for Dora as he went home from Ashton this evening. I went to Hendersons for the papers.

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Ther. 40 Clear Wind N.W. Wed. Nov. 27th, 1895

Cleared off during last night. I walked up to the store & P.O. Jas. Grady & family moved away from the village and have gone to "Savage Factory" below Laurel. Afternoon Edwd went to Samuel Thomas' to put up an electric bell for them. School closed soon after dinner until next week Miss Hallowell having gone away to spend "Thanksgiving." Sister Lizzie called at the gate this afternoon. Lizzie Scott & Beulah Thomas both were here to see Dora.

Ther. 23o Clear Wind N.W. Thursday 28th

Another beautiful winter day, there was a heavy "white frost" covering the ground like snow this morning. Bro Chas called about noon. Mrs Phil Stabler called to request me to go to Saml Wetherald's to prescribe for Kate Stabler. I went soon after dinner. Sarah Dent & old "Aunt Prissy" were here for advice & medicine for Sarah. I went to the store & P.O. before supper. Mrs Robison was here.

Ther. 22o Clear Wind Fri. Nov. 29th, 1895

Quite frosty this morning. I went to S B Wetherarld's to see Kate Stabler again. We killed one of our turkeys to day to have this evening instead of on Thanksgiving day. Willie, Fanny & Alice Peirce came to help us eat our turkey & go to the lecture at the Lyceum.

Ther. 32o Cloudy & Clearing Wind N.W. Saturday 30th

I walked up to S B Weatherald's to see Kate Stabler again. Afternoon Edward drove "Frank" to Rockville (Bessie Robison going with him) he went to tune a piano for [...] I was called (by telephone) to Henson Hopkin's to attend his grand son Remus Myers about 6 years old who had been "run over" by a heavy wagon crushing his right thigh badly. I put it up in a "box splint" after reducing it as well as could be done. Willie & Fanny came to spend the night. W came after me to Hopkin's and brought me home to supper. Edwd got home about 7.30 p.m.

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