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Ther. 33 Clear & Cloudy Wind Sun. Dec. 1st, 1895
I went to meeting & heard a sermon from Edwd Farquhar. After meeting I drove down to Henson Hopkins to see his little grand son again and also up to see Kate Stabler again. After noon Mrs Jas Bryan brought her infant son to the office for advice & medicine, her sister in law was with her. Willie went with me on my drive this morning.
Ther. 42 Rain & Cloudy Wind S E & N. W. Monday 2d
Commenced raining before day light this morning & continued until afternoon when it commenced clearing off with N.W. wind. Afternoon I rode down to Henson Hopkin's & walked up to Wetherald's to see Kate Stabler again. I also went up to Hendersons & to the mill. Lizzie Scott was here to see Dora.
Ther. Clear & Cloudy Wind N.W. Tues. Dec. 3d, 1895
Quite cold today. I went up to see Kate Stabler again & called at the store.
Ther. 14o Clear & Cloudy Wind S.E. Wednesday 4th
The coldest morning so far this winter. I rode on horse back to Henson Hopkin's from there up to Edwd Peirce's where I took dinner and drove home in the open buggy which I had loaned to Willie. Afternoon I went up to Saml B Wetherald's to see Kate Stabler again. Ernest Hill was here to consult me.
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Ther. 25o Cloudy Wind N.W. Thurs. Dec. 5th, 1895
Raw & cold. Edwd started for Rockville early this morning to tune a piano for a "Mrs Knight" driving "Frank" to the open buggy. Frank Robison went with him. Bros Charles came before "lunch time" & spent most of the day here, "Lizzie" being at Allan Farquhar's to an "Old Ladies Association meeting. Harriet Ann Dorsey's daughter "Sally" was here for advice & medicine. I went up to see Kate Stabler at S.B. Wetherald's. E reached home at about 4.o'clk p.m.
Ther. 19o Clear Wind N.W. Friday 6th
Still cold with a strong N.W. wind blowing all day. I went up to the mill & Hendersons for papers. Afternoon I drove over the Henson Hopkin's to see the broken leg boy again. George Powell (colored) was at the office. I extracted a tooth for him. After supper Edwd's friend "Tom Love" & some other boys were here in the office for E to sharpen their skates.
Ther. Cloudy Wind S.E. Sat. Dec. 7th, 1895
Raw & chilly all day. I went up to Hendersons & to the mill. Edwd & I gathered some leaves for bedding for the horse. Afternoon I rode down to Ashton. Elizabeth Platt Watters was here & had a tooth extracted. Willie & Fanny came to supper & to spend Sunday with us as usual. After supper Willie went up to the store.
Ther. 35 Cloudy Wind S.E. Sunday 8th
Cloudy & disagreeable. I walked up to S.B. Weatherald's to see Kate Stabler again & also to Hendersons for the papers. Afternoon Phillis Jackson (cook for Mrs Robt Stabler) was here for advice & medicine. It commenced raining & snowing. Willie & Fanny concluded to say all night again much to our satisfaction. I have felt unwell all day from rheumatism & indigestion.
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Ther. 33 Cloudy & "Drizzle" Wind N.E. Mon. Dec. 9th, 1895
Ground white with snow this morning but soon melted away leaving the roads sloppy & muddy; I went to the mill & had R. R Moore's check for $15.00 cashed. I then went to the P.O. & mailed the money by a check of A.G. Thomas' to Geo B McCeney ( Tax Collector) adding 32 cents to make the amount meet the tax bill. Afternoon I rode (on horse back) over to see the little broken leged boy again who seems to be getting along as nicely as possible. This has been an extremely disagreeable day. Willie & Fanny left for "Fairfield" after breakfast. I called ar Fairalls shop & left proxy for Insurance Co.
Ther. Clear Wind N.W. Tuesday 10th
Clear & frosty to day. I went up to Hendersons & to the mill also to the store & over to the insurance office to see Allan Farquhar about getting some hay. Chas Hill sent us 1/4 ton of coal on an ox cart. I gathered the last of the corn fodder both from Mrs R's lot & from G Matt Beal's patch & Easton's also and now must have some more hay for the horse.
Ther. 19o Clear Wind N.W. Wed. Dec. 11th, 1895
Still cold. I expected a load of hay today but Allan Farquhar (who was to send it ) was butchering his hogs, but will send it tomorrow. I went up to see him this evening and borrowed an armfull from Hendersons. Edwd went skating on Benj Miller's ice pond after school. One of the boys McGill Palmer broke through & was wet "through & through."
Ther. 19o Snow & Snow Wind N.E. Thursday 12th
It has been snowing more or less all day. Afternoon Allan Farquhar sent me 1530 lbs of mixed hay. Phil Robins helped put it away. I rode to Ashton on horse back. I wrote to Thos M Iddings Montandon, Northumberland Co Pa in answer to a letter to P.M. of Sandy Spring enquiring about the Iddings family. After supper Hilles & Frank Robison came down & played Euchre & "Seven Up" with Edward.
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Ther. 9o Clear Wind N.W. Fri. Dec 13th, 1895
This was the coldest morning thus far this winter. I took "Frank" horse to Fletcher Clark's & had him rough shod "all around." Afternoon Willie brough Alice Peirce leaving her here he went after Fanny driving "Frank." They came in time for supper; they will spend the night here expecting to go to Washington: Mrs Robison came in & spent part of the evening.
Ther. 10o Clea Wind N.W. Saturday 14th
Willie, Dora, Edwd, Fanny & Alice Peirce left here for Washington at 8 o'clk this morning driving "Frank" & "Sally" to the Surry going to Silver Spring where they left the horses and took the Electric cars. I went down to Sherwood School & attended to the fires for Edward. Went up to the store & was called in to prescribe for Mrs John Oldfield. The children rushed home shortly before 9.o'clock p.m. having had a satisfactory trip.
Ther. 26 Cloudy Wind N.E. Sun. Dec. 15th, 1895
I went to see Kate Stabler and to meeting. Edwd Farquhar preached. Willie, Fanny & Alice went back to "Fairfield" after breakfast. After meeting I rode over to see the broken leg boy again before dinner. Afternoon I went up to Hendersons for the papers.
Ther. 28o Clear Wind N.W. Monday 16th
Friend Robt R Moore died this a.m. about 8.o'clk. I went to the insurance office & paid Allan Farquhar ballance on hay. Talbot T Awkard was here for more medicine. I called to see Old Mr. Oldfield again. Bro Charley called & smoked a pipe with me. Sarah Campbell & "Becky" Lincoln were here for advice & med for the former. I drove down to Ashton after noon for groceries etc. Took medicine up to the store for Sarah Campbell. B Owen Hary sent us 2 bushels of potatoes by the "milk man."
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Ther. Clear Wind S.E. Tues. Dec 17th, 1895
Frank Robison took my horse & buggy & went to P.T. Stabler's for their flour. I went to the mill & got some corn meal, middlings and screenings. I drove to "Olney" for butter etc. Jas T Henderson going with me. Afternoon I went up to Sarah Wetherald's to call upon Kate Stabler, called at the store.
Ther. 33o Cloudy Wind S.E. Wednesday 18th
I took material for horse blanket up to Old Mrs Oldfield for her to make for one, put new "anti rattlers" to the shaft irons of the open buggy. Sophy & Alice Peirce came in today for lunch. Afternoon Dora & I went to the meeting house to attend the funeral of Robert R Moore. Sophy & Alice Peirce also went. Lizzie Scott was here to see Dora. It looks as if we would have either rain or snow before tomorrow morning. Sophy & Alice Peirce went home after the funeral. After supper I walked up to the store & Post Office. Frank Hopkins was here again for medicine, advice, etc.
Ther. 43 Cloudy Wind S.E. Thurs. Dec. 19th, 1895
Damp & warm weather. I went up to show Mrs Jno Oldfield about making my horse blanket. Went to the store & bought other lining for it, the first being too narrow. Afternoon I drove down to Ashton. Lizzie Scott called again to see Dora. John W Johnton was at the office & I removed a piece of cinder from his eye this morning. Willie came and took supper with us.
Ther. 45o Cloudy Wind S.E. Friday 20th
I went to the mill & up to the store. There was some sort of an exhibition at "Sherwood" School. Edwd read an article he had prepared for the occasion. After supper I copied a geneological tree of the "Iddings Family in America" to send to Thomas U Iddings at Northumberland Co Pa (at his request).