Page 91
Ther. 50o Cloudy & Rain Wind S.E. Sat. Dec. 21st, 1895
Commenced raining at about 10.o'clk this morning & is extremely disagreeable & stormy, it rained very hard at intervals towards evening and up to bed time, with high wind from S.W. I am afraid Willie & Fanny will will not get here owing to the storm. After supper I walked up to the store for matches & tobacco.
Ther. 48o Clear Wind S.E. Sunday 22d
I walked up to Sarah Wetherald's to see Kate Stabler. Willie, Dora, Fanny & Edwd went to church at Mechanicstille in the Surry driving "Frank & Sally. Afternoon they drove over to "Riverside" & "Eldon" to call and home to supper. After supper they went back to "Fairfield" Alice having telephoned that Miss Cook was dead: the funeral "tomorrow after noon."
Ther. 47o Clear & Cloudy Wind S.E. Mon. Dec. 23d, 1895
Willie came & I loaned him "Frank" & the Surry & harness (double) for him to take Alice & Fanny to Miss M Cook's funeral at "Cooksville." Matilda Tasko was here, bringing the ballance of Kate Stabler's bill. Edwd worked at "Sherwood" putting window glass etc. Afternoon I rode Henderson' "Prince" to Henson Hopkins to see the "broken legged boy" again. Robert Blair came and cut my hair. WIllie Fanny & Alice came from the funeral & took supper with us after which they went to "Fairfield." "Kris Kringle" sent us a nice dressed turkey.
Ther. 49o Clear & Cloudy WInd S.E. & N.E. Tuesday 24th
Still warm for the time of year. Sarah Wright brought her grand son for advice & treatment for an injury to his right eye. Afternoon Susan Davis was here for advice & medicine for Margaret Powell (Wm Powell's wife). All F Fairall Esq. was at the office for advice & medicine after dark.
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Ther. 46 Foggy & Clearing Wind S.E. Wed. Dec 25th, 1895
"Christmas day." Our son Charley arrived unexpectedly in time for our Christmas dinner. He drove over from "Glenwood" where he brought Ida & the children yesterday. Willie also came. After dinner we had music each taking our parts as in old times before either of the sons were married. Charley returned to Mr Mathews' leaving here about 4.o'clk p.m. They are to Return to Loudoun Co Va tomorrow. It was pleasant to have all of our children around us once more even for so short a time. Willie went with C as far as "Fairfield" & returned bringing Fanny with him in time for supper & to spend the night with us.
Ther. 52 Cloudy Wind S.E. Thursday 26th
Disagreeable windy day. Willie and Fanny went to "Fairfield" after breakfast. After dinner I walked to Ashton and back. Edward rode "Frank" to "Fairfield" and Willie & Fanny came back with him in the open buggy in time for supper.
Ther. 32 Clear WInd N.W. Fri. Dec. 27th, 1895
Clear & frosty once more. Willie & I put a new top or "roof" on the surry making a very good job of it. After noon W rode "Frank" up to "Fairfield" & led "Sally" back to drive to Laurel tomorrow with Frank. I rode on horseback over to Dr Brooke's to a meeting of the "Doctors Club. There was a full attendance of members and three other physicians Drs Stonestreet & Linthacusu of Rockville & a Dr Morris who came with Dr Agustus Stabler. After tea Willie Fanny & Edwd went down to Mrs Ellicott's to a little party.
Ther. 29o Cloudy Wind S.E. Saturday 28th
We were all up early this morning to get Dora & Edwd off on their visit to their aunt Hallie in Philada. Willie took them to Laurel in the Surry driving "Frank & Sally." He got them to the Station just in time and was back here by noon. Afternoon I went up to the mill for horse feed. W rode the bicycle to Ashton to take the "club book." I commenced snowing before dark and is "raw & disagreeable feeling very "wintry."
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Ther. 33o Cloudy Wind S.E. Sun. Dec. 29th, 1895
Dull & threatning weather all day. I went to meeting and heard a sermon from Edwd Farquhar. Afternoon it looks like snow. Phillis Jackson was here for advice & medicine. Mrs Robison was in to borrow some books. Willie & Fanny went back to "Fairfield" about 4.o'clock, leaving Harriet & my self alone in the house. Edwd will not return until Saturday next & Dora not until some time later which will leave us "childless" for a greater length of time then ever before for thirty years.
Ther. 35o Cloudy & Rain Wind N.E. & S.E. Monday 30th
Still dull disagreeable weather. Robt Miller's team brought us 2 cords of chestnut wood. "Phil Robison" moved the pile of manure from out of the stable. I went to the store & P.O. Elias Young was in the office for advice & medicine. I bought myself a new umbrella. It rained at intervals all day, after about 9.30 this morning and is still raining at bedtime. We recd a Postal card from Dora announcing their safe arrival in Philada on Saturday last.
Ther. 26o Clear Wind N.W. & S.W. Tues. Dec. 31st, 1895
Rained very hard last night until about midnight when wind shifted from S.E. to N.W. & blew a gale until near sunrise. Clearing off cold: the ground was frozen this morning. I went up to the P.O. Mailed letters to Mrs Baker & Roland Moore by the 2.oc'lk p.m. mail. H recd letters from Sister Mary, Hannah Chandlee E. Wood & Charley and wrote to Hannah Chandlee and to Dora. Afternoon I went up to the mill for flour & screenings.
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1895. Letters Received Memoranda
From | January | Recd |
Thomas H Borden | " | 9th |
Ernest L Iddings (Enclosing $10.00) | " | 9th |
P Swim & Lindsey | " | 10th |
F Tyson | " | 14 |
T H Borden | " | 21 |
Chris Hallowell (Euchs check) | " | 24 |
Thos H Borden | " | 26th |
" " " | Feb | 4 |
F Tyson | " | 12 |
T. H Borden (with papers etc) | " | 12 |
T. H. Borden | " | 18 |
F Tyson | " | 20 |
T. H Borden with papers etc | March | 5th |
" " " | March | 26th |
Sister Mary | April | 4 |
T H Borden | " | 17 |
T H Borden | " | 26 |
Sister Mary | May | 15th |
Frederick Tyson | " | 16th |
Thos H Borden | " | 29th |
F Tyson | June | 18th |
Champion Machine Co (Answer) | " | 18th |
T.H. Borden (Answer) " | Aug | 1st |
" " | " | 4th |
" " | " | 18th |
" " | Sept. | 19th |
T Waters of S. postal card | Oct. | 23d |
T H Borden | " | 28 |
T Waters of S. Enclosing receipt | " | 28th |
T H Borden | Nov | 25 |
T.H. BOrden New York City | Jan | 6th |
Ernest L Iddings (Answer) | " | 9th |
Phuir & Lindsay (answer) | " | 10th |
F Tyson | " | 20 |
Chas Hallowell (enclos recpt) | " | 24th |
F Tyson (announcing R J I's death) | " | 27th |
T H Borden | Feb | 6th |
cross out | ||
cross out | ||
T. H. Borden | " | 14th |
F Tyson (answer) | " | 22d |
T H Borden (answer) | March | 5th |
" " " | " | 26 |
Sister Mary (answer) | April | 14th |
T H Borden | " | 17th |
F Tyson | May | 10 |
Sister Mary | " | 10 |
Frederick Tyson (answer) | " | 30th |
Thos H Borden | " | 30th |
Champion Machine Co Richmond Ind | June | 12th |
F Tyson (answer) | " | 20th |
T H Borden | July | 28th |
" " " | August | 2nd |
Herbert L Kirk | " | 11th |
Thos H Borden (answer) | " | 23d |
" " " | Sept | 15th |
" " (Answer) | " | 19th |
Thos Walters of S. (Takonia, D.C) | Oct | 20th |
Thos Walters of S. (Enclos Money order $17.00) | " | 23d |
T H Borden | " | 23d |
F Tyson | Nov | 4th |
R R Moore Jr (Enclosing Bill | " | 8th |
T. H. Borden answer | " | 25th |