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Ther. 16o Clear Wind N.W. Sun. Jan 27th, 1895
Quite cold this morning. I went to meeting. Ground covered with ice. Edwd Farquhar gave us a sermon on "charity & economy." W W Moore announced the funeral of Bro Richard to take place from "Riverside" tomorrow afternoon at 2.o.clock "interment private." Fred Johnson (of Jno W( was here for advice & medicine for himself. After dinner Willie walked to Fairfield to attend church this afternoon. I went up to Henderson's for the papers.
Ther. 21 Cloudy Wind N.E. Monday 28th
I took the horse to Ashton & had him "roughed all around." Alice & Fanny came bringing Willie with them. I took Harriet & Dora to the funeral at Riverside Willie & Edwd walked across. We carried the remains to the cemetery, the pall bearers being Fred & Ernest, Herbert & Willie and Edward & Edward Bentley. It commenced snowing as we left Riverside & continued up to bed time. Ernest & Herbert will have a rough ride to Laurel tonight on their way back to Philadelphia.
Ther. 20o Cloudy WInd N.E. & N.W. Tues. Jan. 29th, 1895
Snow 6 or 8 inches deep. Willie took back to the toll gate the coal I borrowed some time ago & also what I borrowed of Hallie Lea. He drove (in the sleigh) to Brighton & Riverside to get my medicine case which I left at the latter place yesterday. Afternoon Bro. Charles spent an hour with us. "John" also called. Willie returned before supper time bringing Fanny with him. The sleighing is excellent & every one who owns a sleigh seems to be on the roads enjoying it.
Ther. 20 Foggy & Cloudy Wind Wednesday 30th
Foggy & damp all day until towards evening, when it cleared off. I drove to Riverside taking Dora with me. We called & took Sister Beulah with us. Brother Richard's will was read whilst we were there. We brought Sister Beulah as far as "Eldon" as we returned. After dinner Willie drove down to Edwd Johnson's trying to collect for me. Cousin Ellie Chandlee called, also Bro. Chas. The sleighing is pretty good but is rather soft in some places. If it turns cold tonight it will be good tomorrow morning.
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Ther. 14o Cloudy & Clearing Wind Variable Thurs. Jan. 31, 1895
Quite cold today the sleighing is excellent and every one is trying to enjoy it. Willie & the boys from next door worked at getting ice off the pond (Stabler's) cutting & getting it out on the bank ready to haul. Afternoon I walked down to Ashton calling to see Chas G Porter. Bro Chas called & brought shaving brush razor & razort straps that were Bro Richard's. Ellis Boswell called on way home from school for medicine for Sarah Hammond. Fanny went to Mrs Ellicott's to help do some "papering." She took dinner with them coming home after supper.
Ther. 8o Clear Wind Friday, Feb, 1st
Clear & cold this morning. Willie went to "Fairfield" in the sleigh F going with him & brought their horse "Sally" to help haul ice; he used Jos Stabler's wagon and brough two loads before dinner. James Grady helping him until dinner time. I went to the mill for the papers. Afternoon Willie & Frank Robison hauled ice getting 9 loads in all today. Bro. Chas called, also Lizzie Scott to see Dora.
Ther. 29 Snow, Snow Wind N.W. Sat. Feb 2d, 1895
It commenced snowing sometime during last night & continued to come down fast & thick until noon today. I rode down to Ashton before dinner. Afternoon Willie & the boys hauled 7 loads more ice making in all 15 loads in it now. John Hill's daughter Sarah was here to see me. It cleared off towards sun set. I went up to the mill & to the store besides up to Henderson's house for the papers. Edwd broke up the ice in the ice house between the hauling of the loads. "Phil" Hilles & Frank helping Willie load & unload the wagon.
Ther. 6 below Clear & Cloudy Wind N.W. & S.W. Sunday 3d
This was decidedly the coldest day we have had so far this winter. It was clear until after noon when it clouded over, the wind changing from N.W. to S.W., but it continued freezing all day. Afternoon Willie & Fanny went to Fairfield in the sleigh expecting to return after supper. Dora , Fanny & Willie went with Edwd down to Sherwood this morning when he went down to attend to the fires & Fanny finished reading aloud a book she had commenced reading to them.
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Ther. 18o Cloudy & Clearing Wind N.W. Mon. Feb 4th, 1895
Willie & boys next door hauled ice again. I went to the toll house & P.O. & to Henderson's for the papers called at the mill & paid Henderson for sack of flour got on Saturday. They finished filling the ice house getting 8 loads today making 23 loads in all, they then went to F Snowden's & brought a small load of straw. I went to the store
Ther. 10 Clear Wind N.W. Tuesday 5th
I went up to the toll house, and saw Bro Chas as he went to Rockville. Wm Cuff going with him. I also walked to Ashton. Bulwar mended W & Fanny's clock face. Afternoon W. Dora & Fanny went to Fairfield Dora & W came home to supper Fanny remaining in Fairfield.
Right page Ther. 4o below 0 Clear & Hazy Wind N.W. Wed. Feb. 6, 1895
Still very cold which we feel more in the house since the wind has blown more within the past 24 hours. Thermometer only 6 at noon. I drove down to Ashton "Phil" going with me. W rode "Sally" to "Fairfield," it being too cold for him to go to Laurel as he had intended for some lumber for E Peirce. Bro Chas called at lunch time. I sharpened our "buck saw" and sawed some wood. Wrote to Borden. W got a bag of corn from the mill this morning. After supper E went to a skating party at Riverside with the boys from next door; they walked & got home at 11.20 p.m.
Ther. 4 Cloudy & Snow Wind N.E. & N.W. Thursday 7th
Still very cold weather. It snowed last night (a little) but commenced in earnest after breakfast and continued a regular blizzard all the rest of the day from N.E. until after dinner & from N.W. the rest of the day & up to bed time to night. I went up to Henderson's for papers and to the mill. Thermometer has not been above 7o at any time today and is 5o since dark.
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2o below 0 Cloudy Wind N.W. & W. Fri. Feb. 8, 1895
Still extremely cold, the snow is about a foot deep but drifted very badly. No mail could leave Sandy Spring until about 2.o'clk p.m. and it could only get as far as Spencerville where it stuck fast in a drift, and none came from any point to our P.O. the roads being completely blocked with snow. The wind has been blowing a blizzard all last night & all day to day and is still blowing at bed time to night. Edwd went to the school house this morning. No school after noon. I got up to the mill for some meal & chicken feed.
Ther. 2o Clear Wind N.W. Saturday 9
The wind has been blowing all day & the snow drifts are impassable, so much so that not a single vehicle of any kind passed our house during the entire day. Willie managed to get here (on foot) from Brighton and went back again towards evening: he could not keep the roads but a part of the way, and says he could not have come on horse back without tearing down fences. Afternoon Mrs Hazen & Harry East's wife were here, the latter for advice and medicine. After supper I went over to Mrs Robison's & telephoned to Brighton to ascertain if Willie had reached there safely & found he had.
Ther. 10 Clear Wind N.W. Sun. Fed. 10, 1895
Only about a dozen persons went to meeting this morning all either on foot or horseback. The roads being impassable for even sleighs. The thermometer registered 22o at one o'clock today which was the highest point it has reached for more than a week day or night. After supper Mrs Robison came over and spent part of the evening.
Ther. 8o Clear Wind N.W. Monday 11
Still cold. A large force of men set to work this a.m. to dig through the snow drifts between here & Ashton & had it opened by noon. After dinner I walked to Ashton & got some meat, coffee etc. and again walked down to take the "cla[ ] - book" which I forgot on my first trip. I shoveled away the drift which obstructed the entrance through our gate from the turnpike past the office porch. There was no school at "Sherwood" this afternoon. Every one seems to have turned out to open the roads throughout the neighborhood and I hope we can begin to get about again as usual in a day or two more.
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Ther. 12o Cloudy Wind NW & NE Tues. Feb. 12th 1895
Still cold, but the roads have been "dug out" so that sleighs can get about in the neighborhood. Willie drove from E Peirces & Bro Chas from "Riverside," they both were here to dinner: I drove down to Ashton for the first time since the "blizzard" Willie went with me and afterwards he & "old John" drove "Frank" for exercise & a sleigh ride. It is snowing again fast since dark and the thermometer is down to 9 at bed time. I hope it will not fill up the roads again as it will if the wind continues blowing & it keeps on snowing as fast as it now is. I went up to Henderson's after Edwd. since dark with a lantern as it is dark & drifted between here & their house.
Ther. 16 Clear N.W. Wind Wed. Feb 13th, 1895
Still keeps cold. Snow fell during last night about 4 inches deep. I was about home all day not even going up to the mill. Lizzie Scott was here to see Dora & Mrs Robison came in for a short time. Edwd Bentley called: he sent up and took Mary Gilpin's wagon away, it having been here since Willie borrowed it before the snow storm.
Ther. 14o Clearing Wind N.W. Thurs. Feb 14, 1895
Willie drove over this morning to intercept the Brighton Mail as it passed through Sandy Spring P.O. as they cannot get to Brookeville on account of the snow drifts. He went back before dinner and came again afternoon bringing Alice & Fanny with him. They all went back before supper as soon as the afternoon mail came from Laurel. Old "Uncle Henson" was here also Lizzie Scott again. Mrs. Robison came in at supper time. The sleighing is still very good where the roads are open through the drifts or in the fields.
Ther. 16 Clear Friday 15th
Willie came home from E.P's this a.m. Edwd Gilpin of ("Walnut Hill's" ) town brought us two loads of green hickory wood 1/2 cord each load (which was all they could haul with four horses through the snow drifts. Afternoon Willie went to E Peirce's leading "Frank" behind the sleigh and drove him back about dusk bringing Fanny with him. After supper he & Edwd went in the sleigh to Olney to a "dance in "Grange Hall" I went to the mill for corn for the horse (shelled corn 86 lbs for 1.00) Lizzie Scott was here again to see Dora this afternoon. Bro: Chas & sister Lizzie were here this afternoon.