Diary: Caleb E. Iddings, 1895



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Ther. 18o Cloudy Wind Sat. Feb 16th, 1895

Willie went with Edwd to Sherwood School house to help him fix the fires. I drove down to Ashton & back before dinner Old John went down with me. Afternoon Willie took Dora, Fanny & Edward in the sleigh to Eldon, where Dora & F remained to supper. W & E going on to Riverside to skate & staid there to supper: they all came home after dark. I went to the store for groceries etc. After supper all the young folks went over to Mrs Robison to play the "spelling game."

Ther. 22 Clear Wind N.W. Sunday 17

I went to meeting. W took Dora & Fanny to church at Olney & went to E Peirces & brought Alice & their horse back with him. After dinner he drove "Frank & Sally" to our sleigh and took Dora, Alice & Fanny to. Wilson's & Wm Canby's getting home about dark. After supper he took Alice & Fanny home to "Fairfield."

Ther. 18o Cloudy & Clear Wind S.E. Mon. Feb 18, 1895

Quite cold early this morning but thawed very much later in the day. I rode down to Ashton on horse back. Bro. Chas called. Willie walked from Fairfield & Afternoon roade "Frank" to the Cemetery to the funeral of Moses Thompson. After school Edwd went to Riverside to skate and came home after dark. Lucy Platt was here & I extracted tooth for her.

Ther. 22o Cloudy & Clearing Wind S.W. Tuesday 19th

Bro. Chas came early bringing Sister Lizzie with him: he & I drove "Frank" & "Bess" to Rockville to the open buggy leaving Lizzie to spend the day here. We found the roads bearly passable through snow drifts in some places & Jessee B Stabler (that was) & now Mrs McReynold's came up from Washington to meet Bro C & prove their signatures (as witnesses) to Bro R's will. We reached home about 4.o'clk p.m. The "Farmer's Convention met at the Lyceum to day, & was largely attended. Willie went to E Peirces before supper.

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Ther. 22o Clear Wind N.W. Wed. Feb. 20th 1895

Mrs Wm Oldfield's was here to consult me in her own case & Miss Sally Ellicott was also here to consult me in her mother's case & also for herself. Bro. Charles called & smoked a pipe with me before dinner. I took one of the traces from my double harness to old Mr Oldfield's to be mended. Towards evening I went to the store. Edwd Gilpin Sr called at the office door to see me.

Ther. 35 Cloudy Wea S Thursday 21st

Ground frozen early this morning but sun began to thaw and continued all day. Cloudy and threatning rain. After dinner Clarence Gilpin called. Willie & Fanny came and Dora & Fanny went in their carriage & called at "Ingleside" & The "Cottage." coming home in time for supper.

Ther. 22o Clear Wind N.W. Fri. Feb. 22d, 1895

Colder this morning with strong wind which makes it feel colder than it really is. Dora & Fanny walked to "Norwood" & "Avalon" to call but found no one at home at either place. Afternoon Willie took Fanny to Fairfield & left her there. Edwd also went in the buggy (driving "Frank" to bring W home. Lizzie Scott was here again to see Dora. Hally Bentley called. Presley Awkard was here to see me about wood. After supper Edwd rode "Frank" to a "dance club" meeting at "Tanglewood." Wrote to Frederick Tyson by the 2.o'clk p.m. mail.

Ther: 22o Clear Wind Saturday 23d

I felt wretched this morning having a severe head ache before I got out of bed. Chas. G Porter called to see me about the settlement of Moses Thompson's estate. Willie drove "Frank" up to Fairfield before dinner & towards evening he brought Alice & Fanny home with him "Phil" drove "Frank" over to P.T. Stabler's for their flour. After supper we had a little company of young folks & neighbors & played games for prizes. Mrs Robison & Miss Mary Bessie, Hilles & Sally Ellicott and our own folks Dora, Alice & Fanny Willie & Edward. After the games we gave them a treat of ice cream & cake.

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Ther. 15o Clear Wind N.W. Sun. Feb. 24th 1895

Ground frozen hard this morning. I feel rather better to day but not by any means right yet. I went over to meeting. Edwd Farquhar delivered an excellent discourse upon true religeon as tending to joy & gladness in its possessor instead of sadness & gloom. Afternoon Willie took Alice home with "Frank" & open buggy and brought their horse "Sally" back with him to go to Rockville for their carpet loom.

Ther. 26o Cloudy Wind S Monday 25th

"Raw" & chilly this morning. It froze hard last night & the roads are covered with ice. Willie started to go to Rockville after their carpet loom. Afternoon Edwd Bentley & Ed Stabler were here to appraise the few articles Bro. R gave us. Lizzie Scott was here to see Dora. Gideon J Gilpin died this morning about 10.o'clock. Willie got home at 4.20 p.m. I walked to Ashton & came back with Janney Shoemaker. After supper E went to Harry Davis to a dance party.

Ther. 28 Clear Wind N.W. Tues. Feb 26, 1895

After breakfast Willie took the wagon (Mary Gilpin's) with their carpet loom to "Fairfield." Fanny also went walking from here. Edward did not get home from the dance until nearly 3.o'clk this a.m. I went up to the mill & to Henderson's for the papers. Miss S Ellicott was here again for medicine advice etc. for her mother. W came back from "Fairfield" afternoon & took the lumber he left this morning. I went to the store for provisions etc. After supper I was called to see Mr Jno. Ridge at Wm Oldfield's. Mrs Robison came in and sat awhile with us. The wind has been blowing strong from N.W all day until sunset & this evening it is calm & much colder.

Ther. 30 Clear Wind S W Wednesday 27th

Willie brought "Frank" home from E Peirce's & took Mary Gilpin's wagon home. He took my phaeton with him to E Peirce's taking their carpet chain from Ashton. Bro C was here at noon & "got stuck" in a snow drift in Bloomfield lane his horse falling several times before he got through it. John was here. Afternoon I went to the Friends burying ground to Gideon Gilpin's funeral. After supper to the store.

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Ther. 40 Cloudy & Clear Wind S Thurs. Feb. 28th, 1895

It rained between midnight last and sun rise this morning cleared off before dinner time & was quite warm all day. "Jim" Powell & John W Johnson came & hauled a load of straw from Frank Snowdens, using Jos Stablers wagon & Bell & Frank. "Jim" was here to break fast & both of them to dinner. Afternoon Turner Adams was here for advice & medicine.

Ther. 50 Cloudy & Clear Wind S.W Friday, Mar 1st

So much warmer that we slept with the windows up last night. I drove over to Riverside & spent an hour or two with them called at Ashton store as I went over. After supper Edwd went to a "dance class" meeting at Olney Grange hall on horse back; or was starting when Lizzie Scott came & took him in her buggy as it had commenced raining. It was better (if he must go) to be under shelter. His going at all is against my judgement as he had already a bad cold & it will be very dark coming home.

Ther. 38 Rain, Sleet & Snow Wind S.W. & N.W. Sat. Mar. 2d, 1895

Rainy disagreeable day, part of the time it was sleet, hail & snow. Willie came from Fairfield on horse back & staid until towards evening. Lizzie Scott also called. I went up to the mill for chicken feed & middlings. It is extremely muddy & disagreeable traveling either for walking or riding.

Ther. 30 Clear Wind Sunday 3d

I went to meeting which was silent. Afternoon F Snowden & family made us a nice "call." After supper I walked up to the P.O. & mailed Postal cards to all members of the Physicians Social Club, which is due to meet here next friday. I went up to Hendersons for the papers after dinner.

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Ther. 36 Cloudy Wind S.E. Mon. Mar. 4, 1895

This has been an exceedingly dull day. I have had head ache all day & feel miserable. John Ray's wife was here for advice & medicine this morning. I did not go farther than the stable. The wind blew strong all day until towards evening from S E when it changed to N.W with showers of rain.

Ther. 20 Clear Wind N.W. Tuesday 5th

Much colder today. Susanna Addison was here for advice & medicine. Bro. Chas called on way home from Rockville. I rode with him to Ashton & back with Dr Brooke. I went to the mill for corn for the horse. Louisa Bowen was here for advice & medicine. Edward did not go to school to day but worked at painting designs for calender. I took one of the "andirons" to smith shop & had it mended. Recd papers, letter & periodicals from T.H. Borden.

Ther. 24 Clear Wind S Wed. Mar. 6th, 1895

I went up to the mill for a sack of flour. Afternoon I went to the store & P.O. Towards evening Willie came on horseback & staid to supper.

Ther. 32o Clear Wind N.W. & S.W. Thursday 7th

The ground was scarsely frozen this morning early. Dora went up to S. Wetherald's to see Kate Stabler. Margt G T Moore brought her infant daughter to me for advice & medicine. I walked down to Ashton & up to S.S. Edwd did not go to school after noon having a head ache. Towards dark Willie & Fanny came to spend the night.

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