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Ther. 41 Clear & Cloudy Wind E Wed. April 17, 1895
I took Willie & Fanny up to "Fairfield" in Billy Oldfield's "dayton" after which I took it home. Hallie Bentley called. Fletcher Clark's daughter was here with "tooth ache." After supper Edwd rode "Frank" to "Magnolia" to a surprise birthday party given to Sam Bond Jr.
Ther. 33 Clear Wind S.E. Thursday 18th
Heavy white frost this morning. Afternoon I took Harriet with me & drove up to "Fairfield," when we returned we found Hannah Archer here, having come in the stage from Laurel. B. O Hardy's wife sent for advice & medicine by her little boy. Edward brought an electric bell from Bond's last night, and commenced putting it up in the dining room to communicate with Mrs Robison's when they wish to call us to the telephone.
Ther. 48o Clear Wind N.W. Fri. April 19th, 1895
Clear & beautiful day. I rode over to Fletcher Clark's shop to have "Frank" shod but he was not well & I must send him back tomorrow. Afternoon I drove to Ashton for copper wire for Edwd to complete the connection from the central telephone system of Mrs Robison's to our telephone by an electric bell. After supper Edwd went to A.G. Thomas' to a meeting of the "dance class. He & Tom Love walked togather. A.F. Fairall was here of advice & medicine for his son Harry.
Ther. 50 Clear Wind N W Saturday 20
Another beautiful spring day. I sent Frank horse to F Clark's & had him shod "all around." Afternoon Edwd took Frank & Hilles Robison to Riverside "fishing." E brought Fanny home with him, she & Willie having started to walk. Mr M M Haviland was here for rifle cartridges. After supper W & I walked up to the store. A. F. Fairall got me to go & prescribe for his son Harry.
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Ther. 50o Clear Wind S.E. Sun. April 21st, 1895
I went to meeting. Afternoon Dora, Hannah Archer, Will & Fanny & Edwd all went to Riverside in the Surry. Will & F went to Fairfield from Riverside & the others came home to supper. I walked up to see Jim Powell & after supper went up to Henderson's for the papers.
Ther. 55. Clear & Cloudy WInd SE & N.W. Monday 22
Kate Stabler was here to see Dora. The new colored preacher & wife brought their infant daughter to me for surgical treatment. Chas E. Bond sent for advice & medicine by his brother Joseph. Afternoon I tried to do some plowing in the lot with Henderson's horse "Dick," Frank Robison helping me. Put a new shear on the plow, when rain stopped us, but after it was over we finished with Willie's help, he having come while we were at work.
Ther. 60 Clear Wind N.W. Tues. April 23, 1895
Another lovely spring day. I drove to Brighton and called at Grove Hill to see Lizzie Tyson. Kate Stabler was here twice to day. I rode down to Ashton afternoon. Dora & Hannah Archer dined at "Bloomfield." After school Edwd put up his telegraph wires again. I helped Harriet in the garden.
Ther. 61 Clear Wind Variable Wednesday 24th
I felt very sore & rheumatic this morning. Afternoon I drove over to"Riverside" taking Dora & Hannah Archer & leaving them to spend the night. "Prissy" Pumphrey & Sarah Dent were here(the former for advice & medicine. Margaret T Moore also called with her little girl "Haddassah" for advice etc. for the child. Edwd bought a bicycle from "Hal" Leizear and brought it home. Robt Campbell called again to see me after dark. Edwd & D put a new ground wire into the well leading from the lightning airestor in the office & connected with the telegraph wires.
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Ther. 67 Clear Wind Variable Thurs.April 25th, 1895
I drove over to Riverside taking Dora & Hannah Archer. We left Hannah at Eldon on our return. After dinner I rode to Ashton for medicine for Margt Moore's little girl. Mrs Robison took supper with us. Dora & Edwd drove over to "Eldon" after supper & brought Hannah home with them. Willie was here to supper. "Will" Matthews wife brought her little girl to the office.
Ther. 70 Clear & Cloudy Wind S.E. Friday 26
Very hot in the sun. I drove to Ashton. Afternoon Wm H Nelson colored youth from "Gil" Smith's was here & I extracted the root of a tooth for him. Towards evening a young lady from Hendersons came to have a tooth extracted. Hallie Bentley called after supper. Edwd went (on horseback) to a dance at "Harry" Davis'. They commenced putting in a telephone at Hendersons mill. Jos. T Moore Jr. & Henry Miller doing the work with some assistance from "Phil" & "Frank" Robison.
Ther 66. Rainy day SE &NE Saturday April 27, 1895
Commenced raining after midnight last & had been raining at intervals ever since, and since sun set this evening seems to have set in for a regular N.E rain. Edwd & the boys from next door have been at work cleaning up the bicycle he bought from "Hal" Leizear, which was the dirtiest piece of machinery I have seen for a long time. Otherwise it is a first rate "wheel" which with some slight repairs & a thorough cleaning will be as "good as new".
Ther. 47o Cloudy & Showery N.E. N Sunday 28th
Quite raw & chilly to day fires are required to make us comfortable. Willie drove over from Fairfield and took Dora & Hannah Archer back with him to spend the day, he reached here before our breakfast time. I went to meeting: which was a silent one, there were only 19 on the men's side & about the same on the women's owing no boubt ot the weather & roads. Edwd went (in the surry) to Fairfield for the girls, I put the top on it & the curtains on again with the help of Phil & Frank, as it was still "drizzling" when he started, they got home after dark. I went up to Henderson's for the papers, after supper.
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Ther. 50o Cloudy & Rain Wind N.E. Mon. April 29th, 1895
Another rainy morning. I went up to the shops to see after my phaeton wheel which was not quite finished. Afternoon Kate Stabler & Lizzie Scott were here to see Dora. I went up to the mill for corn for the horse. After supper Miss Mary Fowler & Bessie Robison came over to spend the evening. It has been a real rainy day.
Ther. 43 Cloudy & Rain Wind N.E. Tuesday 30
Still rainy & cold: this has been the longest "spell" of rainy weather I remember at this season of year. I went to the mill & to Hendersons for the papers. After supper Dora, Hannah Archer & Edwd went to the Lyceum to a lecture by George Kennon on "Siberia & Arctic Asia." Edwad being "door-keeper." It has rained almost without intermission for four days & nights and is still raining to night at bed time. Willie was here for a few minutes early this morning, having brought Alice & Fanny over to Ashton to do some papering.
Ther. 42 Rain Rain Wind N.E. Wed. May 1st, 1895
Still another cold rainy day. I went up to the mill for the papers. Caroline Bond brought a colored girl ("Martha Banks") to the office for advice & medicine for both the girl & herself. Afternoon Kate Stabler was here to see Dora. Willie & Fanny came just as we were done supper to spend the night with us.
Ther. 50 Cloudy Wind S.E. Thursday 2d
Cloudy all day but did not rain, it seems to be trying to clear off, but the wind still keeps easterly. Will & Fanny left for "Fairfield" after breakfast. "Phil" Robison borrowed my horse and wagon to bring their flour from P.T. Stabler's. I walked up to the shops.
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Ther. 59o Clearing Wind Variable Fri. May 3, 1895
Clearing weather at last and much warmer. "Uncle Henson" was here to see me. Afternoon I went to a meeting of the "Doctor`s Social Club" which met at Dr Charles Farquhar's. We had a very pleasant meeting, all the members being present although some of them were late in arriving. Dora, Hannah Archer & Edwd went (after supper) over to Mrs Robison's to play. I reached home at 9.15 p.m.
Ther. 60 Clear Wind E. Saturday 4th
Clearing weather but wind still Easterly; the sun came out hot in the afternoon. I walked to Ashton & rode back with A.G. Thomas. Sophie & Alice Peirce called. I hired Willie Grady to hold my horse out to eat grass between here & Ashton where it grows luxuriently on the road sides. I worked at cutting up plantians & docks around the house in the lot. I thought I had exterminated them but still continue to find them.
Ther. 67 Clear Wind S.E. Sun. May 5th, 1895
Clear & warm. I went to meeting, we had a sermon from Edwd Farquhar. Chas E Bond's horse laid down & broke one of his shafts during meeting hour. I loaned him the phaeton to drive home. Will & Fanny came before dinner & spent the day here. I prescribed for Chas Bond in the office. Willie and Fanny went to Fairfield towards evening.
Ther. 67o Cloudy Wind Variable Monday 6th
Cousin Hannah Archer left here in the morning stage for Washington and Cleavland Ohio. I drove over to Riverside and left my horse there turned out to pasture for a few days: he seemed "crazy" for grass & I think it will do him good to have a good "run out." Bro Charles brought me home after dinner; whilst there I prescribed for Minnie's little girl "Rebecca." Chas Bond brought the phaeton home. Towards evening it cleared off.