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Ther. 60 Cloudy & Foggy Wind S.E. Tues. May 7, 1895
Damp & "foggy" again this morning. Dr. Martin of Brookeville called on his way to Laurel and Baltimore. Quite hot part of the day and a thunder gust passed around us in the afternoon coming up from the S.E. Sister Lizzie called on way to the "Horticultural " at Stanmore she called for advice & medicine for little Rebecca. Kate Stabler also called. I went to the store at S.S. for tea & coffee also to Hendersons' for the papers.
Ther. 66o Cloudy & Clearing Wind SE Wednesday 8th
Isabella Platt (colored) was here for advice & medicine. Afternoon Bro Chas came after me to go to see little Rebecca. I went with him & he brought me back as far as Benj H Miller's where Wm W Moore overtook us & I came home with him. Edwd took his first ride on his bicycle. Willie was here & brought us a 1/2 barrel of flour.
Ther. 62 Clear Wind N.W. Thurs. May 9th, 1895
I was telephoned for from Riverside & rode Henderson's "Prince" horse over to see little Rebecca again home to dinner. Afternoon we had a thunder gust about 3-30.o'clk. Clarence Gilpin came to the office with a very ugly scalp wound which I dressed very carefully before supper time after the storm.
Ther. 64 Clear Wind N.W. Friday 10
I went to B O Hardy's and to the Bone Mill. J. T. Henderson going with me with his horse & buggy, he walked home from Ashton & I drove on to Riverside to see Rebecca again home to dinner, calling at Ashton as I returned & bought a pair of "russet shoes. Afternoon Kate Stabler & Lizzie Scott were both here to see Dora. Edwd roade bicycle to Brighton early this morning to see William. After supper he went to a Dance Club meet at Olney on his bicycle. A.F. Furnall Esq came to the office in the evening for medicine (pills) & advice for "Harry."
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Ther. 71 Clear Wind N.W. Sat. May 11th, 1895
Beautiful spring day, but very warm, or hot, in the "sun shine." I went up to A.F. Fairall's & was measured for a pair of boots he is to "foot" for me. Afternoon I used Henderson's "Dick" horse to "cultivate the potatoes, Phil leading him for me. I also went over them with a hoe. I moved some rye, the first I have cut. Willie & Fanny came to spend Sunday with us. After supper I went up to the store for lamp chimney etc.
Ther. 66o Cloudy & Clearing Wind Variable Sunday 12th
Commenced raining about midnight last & the wind blew violently, it rained at intervals until this a.m. Brother Chas came over for me & I went home with him to see little Rebecca again. I remained until after dinner amd drove "Frank" home, he has not improved as I hoped he would have done. George McPherson was here for advice & med. After supper Willie & Fanny went back to Fairfield. I prescribed for John & Ida Green's infant & also for Ida at Riverside.
Ther. 42 Clear Wind N.W. Mon. May 13, 1895
Very chilly & cold this morning. I drove over to "Riverside" to see little Rebecca again. Kate Stabler called to see Dora. Afternoon old Louisa Bowen was here for advice & medicine. It has been unusually cold all day. Telephoned to from "Riverside" this morning to come over to see little Rebecca again today. She having passed a restless night, found her better than I expected.
Ther. 41 Cloudy & Clearing Wind N.W. Tuesday 14th
Still very cold for the time of year. It rained quite hard last night & was threatning all morning. I was about home all day, except afternoon I helped J T Henderson's "raise" a new smoke stack for his engine at the mill, Walter Brooke & A Bulwar besides Chas & Joseph Stabler & others helping. It is the third smoke stack he has put up since he came to the mill. Lizzie Scott was here to see Dora. I wore an overcoat whilst helping at the mill & we have had fires in the dining room for several days.
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Ther. 41 Cloudy, Rain & Cold Wind N.W. Wed. May 15th, 1895
I feel miserable this morning having taken cold, am stiff & sore all over with rheumatic pains and some head ache. Afternoon I drove over to "Riverside" taking Harriet to make a call, we also called at "Eldon" as we returned. We found Willie here when we got home, he took Edwd's bicycle with him to "Fairfield" to ride back this evening & Edwd took my phaeton & Frank & drove to Fairfield & brought Fanny home with him W. returning in the bicycle.
Ther. 46o Rain Wind Variable Thursday 16th
It commenced raining before daylight & continued until noon when it commenced clearing. Willie rode Frank to Clarence Gilpin's. Afternoon Gilbert & Smith Sr was here for advice & medicine. Clarence Gilpin also came for me to examine his wounded head. I removed the suture & found the wound healing by "first intention under "Euculypti dressing although a bad scalp wound. Kate Stabler & Julia Hallowell were here to see Dora at supper time.
Ther. 41 Clear & Cloudy Wind S.E. Fri. May 17, 1895
Bright & clear this morning. Clarence Gilpin sent us about 600 lbs of clover-hay on an ox cart. I drove up to "Brighton" to see my old friend Thomas S Stabler at Lynchburg Va who is at his brother Edward R Stabler's; his health seems to be completly restored physically and mentally. I enjoyed my call very much. Afternoon Jas Johnson's wife was here from "The Anchorage" to see me. I went to the shops & to the mill. Willie went with me this a.m. to "Brighton." After supper Alice Peirce came to spend the night. She, Dora, Fanny, Willie & Edwd all went to an entertainment at the Lyseum for the benefit of the S.S. Library. It began to rain about dusk. Caleb Pumphrey here after dark for advice etc. for his wife.
Ther. 50 Cloudy & Clearing Wind S.E. Saturday 18th
Alice Peirce went home taking Fanny with her to spend the day. I used Henderson's lawn mower & cut the grass around the house. W & E set out tomato plants. Afternoon W & E drove over to Riverside to "go fishing." Caroline Bond called & paid Martha Bark's bill. I walked to Ashton. Lizzie Scott here to see Dora. Fanny came back towards evening. Willie, Edward, & the boys next door returned from their "fishing trip" with the usual luck of fishermen.
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Ther. 50 Clear Wind S.E. Sun. May 19th, 1895
Robert Campbell was here & paid ballance of his bill by check of Dr Frank Thomas on "National Bank of the Republic;" of Washington D.C. I went to meeting; we had an excellent discourse from Edwd Farquhar. Chas F Brooke's wife called after meeting to see Willie, & he & Fanny drove over to Brooke Grove to see her before dinner. Afternoon W. Fanny & Edward walked over to "Harewood" to see "Old John" about going to Va. It commenced raining about dusk. I hope it may not amount to much more than a shower. Mrs Robison came in after supper.
Ther. 55o Cloudy Wind S.W. Monday 20th
Damp & threatning rain, Willie took Fanny to Fairfield after breakfast in the open buggy. I went up to the village & found my cane which I had left in A.F. Fairall's shop when measured for a pair of boots several days ago; it is a cane I value highly as a gift from my father 40 years ago. Willie & Fanny came in afternoon, W had expected to go to Va tomorrow but could not get the wagon from Jno Bentley before Wednesday a party having gone in it to "Falls of Potomac" on a "fishing expedition. Willie & John were greatly disappointed having made all their arrangements to go.
Ther. 60 Rain, Rain Wind S.E. & N.E. Tues. May 21st, 1895
Real rainy morning. Alice Peirce came at breakfast time for Fanny and took her home. Willie went to work at cleaning up his mothers sewing machine. It would have been too stormy for W to have gone over to Loudoun Co if the wagon had been here so it is just as well as it is. Afternoon Old John came with his horse & he & W went down & brought Jno Bentley's wagon up, so as to be ready for an early start tomorrow morning should weather permit. This has been a remarkable cold rainy spring. I have no recollection of such another; but it follows an unusually dry season last summer & fall, where the wells & springs many of them went dry, that never failed before.
Ther. 50o Clear Wind Wednesday 22d
Willie & "Old John" left here for Lincoln Va at 4.20 a.m. driving my horse "Frank" & John's mare to John Bentley's market wagon. The weather has cleared off again at last, but it is very cold for the time of year. Afternoon I walked to Ashton & back. Caleb Puymphrey was here for advice etc. for his wife. Alice & Fanny called about suppertime.
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Ther. 62 Clear Wind N.W. Thurs. May 23d, 1895
Beautiful morning, feels more like spring weather. I went to the mill for horse feed. Towards evening Edwd went up to Fairfield on his bicycle to attend an "entertainment" at the Grange Hall "Brighton"' he expects to stay at Fairfield all night coming home early tomorrow morning in time for school. Mrs "Dolly" Vedder was here to see Dora about a dress.
Ther. 63 Clear & Cloudy Wind S.E. Fri. May 24th, 1895
I went up to Henderson's for butter. Edwd came home from "Fairfield" whilst we were at breakfast. Afternoon Bro Chas. called. I went with him down to Ashton & walked back. After tea Dora & Edward went next door to spend the evening. Willie arrived from Lincoln Va at 8.30 p.m. driving Frank to a road cart. Old John & a white man ("Jonathan Silcott") coming later with the wagon. "Frank" having refused to "pull" the loaded wagon. Willie hired another horse & a man to take it back.
Ther. 63o Clear & Cloudy Wind S.E. Sat. May 25th, 1895
I took Willie up to "Fairfield" in the buggy. Jonathan Silcott & Jno W Johnson also driving to "Fairfield" with Willie & Fanny's furniture. I called at Ashton on my return. John & Silcott took John Bentley's wagon home on their return from Fairfield After supper I walked up to the store, toll house etc. H planted ballance of Salsify seed.
Ther. 62 Cloudy & Rain Wind S.E. Sunday 26th
Commenced raining before bed time last night & continued more or less all night, & is too threatning this morning for Silcott to start on his 50 mile drive home to "Lincoln" Va in an open road cart. I went to meeting. W. & Fanny came before dinner to spend the night. Afternoon Joseph M Shoemaker (from Germantown Pa) was buried at Wash, P. Miller's "Aloway." It cleared off before sun set after raining more or less all day. After dark Margt T Moore came to the office to consult me about her infant daughter ("M Elizabeth"). Mrs Robison came in to call, after tea.