Diary: Caleb E. Iddings, 1895



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Ther. 63o Cloudy, Rain, & Clearing Wind N.W. Mon. May 27th, 1895

Jonathan Silcott left early this morning for his home in Lincoln Va. Willie & Fanny also left for "Fairfield" after early breakfast. It rained again quite hard most of the fore noon but cleared off about noon. "Dick Matthews came after me & I went over & prescribed for his wife "Kate" on Farquhar's place before dinner. Afternoon Lizzie Scott was here to see Dora.

Ther. 63o Clear Wind N.W. Tuesday 28th

Walked up to the store & shops & to Henderson's for the papers. After School was out (afternoon) there was a game of Base Ball at Brookville. "Sherwood against Brookeville the latter winning. -- "Gerkies" a boy who goes to Sherwood School put his horse in our stable for the night he, staying at Mrs Robison's coming home (home) with her boys from the Base Ball. Edward did not go with them as he does not play ball, not wishing to have his hands & fingers "knocked up", thereby spoiling them for piano practice etc.

Ther. 65o Clear Wind N.W. Wed. May 29th, 1895

I drove over to Riverside to call upon Estelle Cleveland, home to dinner. After dinner I walked down to Sherwood School to see Miss Hannum to tell her that Edwd would not be at school for a day or two as he has a bad sore throat. I also walked up to the Store & shops in afternoon & to the mill.

Ther. 70 Clear Wind N.W. Thursday 30th

The weather has been extremely hot to day, the thermometer being 92o in the shade from 2. to 7. p.m. I walked up to the Shops & P.O. and to the mill. Afternoon Miss Anna Gilpin called at the office for their bill. Julie Hallowell was here to see Dora. After supper Dora & Edwd went to Mrs S Ellicott's to spend the evening & meet the Miss Crosbys. Frank Robison helped me fix the earth around the ice house where it had caved in during the heavy rains we have had recently.

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Ther. 78 Clear Wind N.W. Fri. May 31st, 1895

Another extremely hot day. Chas E Bond came to the office to consult me for a "sore throat" which seems to be epidemic just now. Edwd's throat is rather better, if he will only be prudent & take care of himself. After noon I was called to prescribe for Emory Snowden's little boy, also with a very sore throat. Edwd went to a "pic nic" on the river this afternoon against my advice & judement; he took Frank Robison in the phaeton. It was too hot to sleep well last night. Edwd & Frank Robison got home at about 10.o'clk p.m.

Ther. 80o Clear Wind N.W. Saturday, June 1st

Still another hot day, thermometer was higher early this morning than it has been before. I drove to Brighton & Fairfield & home to dinner. I washed the phaeton. Took hitching rein & bridle to Oldfields' to be mended. Willie & Fanny came to spend the night arriving about 5.o'clk p.m. This has been the hottest day so far 98o in the shade in many places. 93 was the highest by our thermometer.

Ther. 80 Clear Wind N.W. Sun. June 2d, 1895

Still hotter than yesterday. 94o in the shade on office porch where there was no reflection. It was 102o on Henderson's kitchen porch at 3.o'clock. Willie & Edward took the Robison boys to the river for a "Swim." They came home in time for dinner. I went to meeting we had a sermon from Edwd Farquhar. Afternoon I went up to Henderson's for the papers. Billy Oldfield's wife sent for ice for her sick boy. W & Fanny went to "Fairfield" after supper. The "Weather Bureau" in Washington states that there is no record of such hot weather at this season of the year, (the last of May & first of June.)

Ther. 80 Clear Wind N.W. Monday 3d

Hot weather continues, but it look & feels as though we would have a thunder gust soon, which may make it cooler. Edwd Easton cut part of the rye before breakfast. Tilghman Mitchell came & cut the ballance with a cradle, after which he plowed & harrowed the ground we intend to plant in corn & vegitables. Mitchell finished by noon.

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Ther. 74o Clear Wind Variable Tues. June 4th, 1895

A thunder gust passed around us last evening which cooled us off very much, & it had been cooler all day. Jno Ed Hill came for me early this morning & I rode over to see old Louisa Bowen at his his house. Edwd Easton worked all day for us in the garden: planted Lima beans. I rode to Ashton with Wallace Bond & walked back. Kate Matthews sent her sister for me & I sent her medicine. Edwd, Phil & Frank went to Riverside "swimming." Edwd rode his bicycle on to Fairfield, and the other boys brought the buggy home. After supper Harry Easton's wife was here for advice & medicine.

Ther. 73 Foggy & Clearing Wind S.E. Wednesday 5th

Foggy & Cloudy until about 9.30.o'clk this morning when the sun came out hot. Edwd staid at Fairfield" last night & came home at breakfast time this a.m. I rode over to see Kate Matthews before dinner. "Phil" Robison led the horse for me & I worked the early potatoes with the cultivator & double shavel plow. Afternoon Sophie & Alice Peirce came & brought us 12 quarts of strawberries for preserviment. About 5 o'clock there came up the heaviest thunder gust we have had this season: it "burned out" many of the telephone connections of the central office next door. There was some hail with the rain. It rained very hard for a time.

Ther. 69 Clear Wind N.W. Thurs. June 6th, 1895

Cooler since yesterday's storm. I drove over to Jno Ed Hill's to see Louisa Bowen again also to Robert Blair's & down to Asbora, Uncle Henson going with me. Afternoon Geo Curley's wife sent for me & I went and gave her medicine & an ointment. Miss Anna Gilpin called & paid her father's bill. Rev: Mr Wm Laird also called. After supper, Julia Hallowell here to see Dora. Robt Blair came & cut my hair. Chas Hartshorne's team brought us a cord of oak wood for Charles Adams account. Lightning killed a cow for Mr Laird at Brookeville yesterday & also struck the corner of Edwd Boswell's house below Ashton during the same storm.

Ther. 50o Clear Wind N.W. Friday 7th

Nineteen degrees colder than it was 24 hours ago, it is really quite "chilly" & a fire is comfortable early in the morning. I rode to Ashton & bought shoes for H & shirt, & muslain for shirts & drawers for self. H & I planted four rows of sweet corn. Afternoon Louis Johns (from Downey's) was here & had tooth extracted. I went to mill for horse feed. Mrs Hazen moved her "things" away from her Brother Harry's (next door) to Brookeville. "Sherwood." School closed today with an entertainment & refreshments. After supper Edward went to "Olney" Grange Hall to a "dance Club" meeting on his bi cycle. I put "henhouse compost" on each hill of corn we planted to day. Lizzie Scott was here to see Dora. Saml Bond Jr spent the evening here.

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Ther. 68o Clear Wind Variable Sat. June 8th, 1895

Delightful weather. Mrs Charles Hallowell was here to consult me professionally. I used Henderson's lawn mower all around the house & had our "grass hook" repaired & used it. I went up to the store for groceries etc. Afternoon Mr A Kilgore called to see me "politically." I brought my boots home from Fairall's which he "footed" for me. After supper Willie Fanny & Alice came to spend the night. I went to the store.

Ther. 61 Clear Wind S.E. Sunday 9th

Quarterly meeting day. Dora, Fanny Alice Peirce, Willie, Edwd & I went to meeting which was quite largely attended. George McPherson and wife were here to consult me in regard to the latter who is afflicted with Sciatic Rheumatism. Afternoon Alice & Fanny went home. Hood Mathews & wife & Mr Hammond & wife called at the gate for some jars of Ida's. W brought from Va with his things. Edwd rode to Riverside on his bi cycle.

Ther. 65 Clear Wind N.E. Mon. June 10th, 1895

Willie harrowed & "rubbed" the ground in the lot getting it into nice condition for planting. I ran out the rows & we planted 14 more rows of sweet corn making 18 in all. The seed came from Lizzie Tyson's. I went to meeting & heard an excellent sermon from Friend Wm Wood of Baltimore. I sent Edward's watch back to Purcelville Loudoun Co Va by Henry Pancoast to have it put in running order. Afternoon I took Willie to "Eldon" on his way to "Fairfield." I went to see Sister Beulah who has some eruption on her face. After tea Dora Edwd & I went next door to call upon Miss Wiley from N.C.

Ther. 56 Cloudy Wind S.E. Tuesday 11th

It was cloudy & looked like rain until near noon when it cleared off & was quite hot until about 2.o'clk when it rained & blew hard from S.E. with thunder and lightning and again at 4.30 we had a hard rain. I went up to the store & bought a "lawn mower." Loaned Mrs Henderson the "Surry" to go to "Unity" etc. After supper we had a little company consisting of all from next door except "Phil" including Miss Wiley and Miss Ellicott & Miss Miriam Crosby & Walter Thomas. They seemed to enjoy themselves very much. We gave them refreshment (water ices & several kinds of cake.

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Ther. 57 Showery Wind S.E. Wed. June 12th, 1895

We have had two heavy rains from S.E. to day & considerable lightning & thunder. I went (on horseback) over to see old Louisa Bowen again before dinner. Used Paris green & plaster on the potatoes again: the former dose however has killed nearly all the "bugs." After supper Edwd went with the next door friends to Mrs S Ellicotts to a "Tackey" party. Dora not well enough to go. They were all dressed in some outlandish style.

Ther. 69 Cloudy Clearing & Rain WInd W. & N.W. Thursday 13th

Cloudy & threatning early this a.m. but cleared off quite hot and about 3.30 p.m. we had a thunder gust from the N.W. and it rained very hard for some time. I was called to see old Mr Oldfield & found him quite sick. Mr. A.G. Mathews & wife & daughter (Mrs Nichols) called at the front gate on their way to Mr. Holland's.

Ther. 57 Clear Wind NW & S.W. Fri. June 13th, 1895

Willie came & took "Frank" horse & my double harness & E Peirce's "Sally" & went to Riverside after Bro Cs mowing machine to cut E.P's grass after taking Dora to Riverside to call upon Estelle Cleveland. I went to see Jno Oldfield again this morning. After supper Cousin Hannah Chandlee called. Willie & Fanny also came over & brought "Frank" home, going back to Fairfield about dusk. Edwd mended a puncture in the inner tube of his front bi cycle tire.

Ther. 59 Clear Wind N.W. Saturday 15th

A thunder gust passed north of us last night giving us some rain. I drove down to B Owen Hardy's this morning, called at Ashton. Mrs C. Hallowell called for medicine which I took to the P.O. & left it for her there. Afternoon Edwd & Dora took the "Surry" & with a party from next door and from Mrs Ellicott's went to Riverside for a "Pic Nick" on the river. Willie came & brought us some flour & will stay with us tonight.

Last edit about 2 years ago by Theakir
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