Diary: Caleb E. Iddings, 1898



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Cloudy & Clearing. 52° Ther. SAT. MAR. 19th, 1898 Wind.

Cloudy early this morning but cleared towards noon and quite warm, indeed hot in the sunshine. "Phil" Robison came & helped Edward to renovate the roof of the back part of the stable, using the boards that came from the old school house, and part of the former roof boards. I helped them what I could. Went to the store & P.O. Afternoon Willie telephoed for Edwd to come after Fanny & the baby, & he would come on his bicycle. W. arrived some time ahead of the others, they all getting here in time for supper. After supper Edwd, Willie & I walked to the store & toll house.

Cloudy. 48° Ther. SUN. MAR. 20th, 1898 S.E. & N.W. Wind.

Cloudy & threatning all day Willie Rode his bicycle to "Fairfield" early this morning & brought back their own horse & carriage, & after dinner he Fanny & the baby went to "Fairfield". Edwd. & I went to meeting this morning, which was a silent one. Afternoon I walked up to Hendersons. Edw's pigeons commenced going back to their loft over the stable, seeming to be aware that their enemy the big gray cat was dead & out of their way. So long as they could see him about nothing would induce them to return to the old quarters. After supper I walked up to the toll house Weather warm & unsettled looks as though it might rain before morning but had often looked so before lately without doing so.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir
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Cloudy 43° Ther. MON. MAR. 21st, 1898 N.W. Wind.

Rained last night & for a time this morning & was cloudy and threatning all day. I went to the P.O. morning & evening. Afternoon I walked to Ashton & back. Henry Thomas came for me and I walked down to see Alcinda's little girl "Bertha". who had fallen yesterday & hurt her left arm, it was not broken or dislocated but bruised and sprained. After supper Edwd. went to Mt. Airy to a "Singing Class" Frank Hewitt brought us a cord of wood

Cloudy. 42° Ther. TUES. MAR. 22nd, 1898 E. & N.E. Wind.

Raw & disagreeable, threatning rain. I went up to the Mill & to the store & P.O. called at "Fairall's" shop. Susan Davis brought her grand son ("Louis") to the office & I extracted a tooth for him before dinner. Afternoon Charlott Detter was at the office for advice & medicine I went to the store twice & to Mill for horse feed. Sally Ellicott was here to see Dora. After, supper Harry Fairall came to practice telegraphy with Edwd again. The weather is very damp & almost Raining this evening & is colder than it has been for some days past.

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Cloudy 50° Ther. WED. MAR. 23rd, 1898 S.E. Wind.

Still cloudy & threatning I was sent for and went over to see "Old John" W. Johnson on Arthur Stabler's place also went to P.O. & to the mill. Recd a photograph from Thomas H Borden and wrote a letter to him which I mailed by the 2.o'clk p.m. mail.

Rain. Rain 45° Ther. WED. MAR. 24th, 1898 N.E. Wind.

Rained all through last night & continued all day today. "Sam" Hill came to report Old John's condition. I wrote a prescription & sent him to Ashton for Medicine. Went to the P.O. and Received my"pension certificate, together with the "vouchers" (in duplicate) for the payment of the money due from Sept. 2nd 1897. to March '98. I made the necessary affidivt before A.F. Fairall Esq and Mailed it to Pension Bureau in Washington. After supper Edwd. went to the Lyceum to act as a door keeper for a lecture by Dr Fewkes of Wahington on the Moki Indians

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44° Ther. FRI. MAR. 25th, 1898 N.W. Wind.

Clear & bright this morning, having cleared off during last night. I went to the P. O. & toll house. Afternoon I walked to Ashton & back. Edwd. took his sister to "Fairfield" & left her there to spend the night, and to attend a church meeting to night. E came home after supper. Harry Fairall came again to practice telegraphy with Edward.

33° Ther. SAT. MAR. 26th, 1898. N.E. Wind.

Quite chilly this morning. I was called up about daylight to prescribe for Louis Hill's wife. Edwd. went to "Fairfield" for Dora & home to dinner. Afternoon Wille Fanny & the baby came to spend the night with us. After supper W & I walked up to the store & P.O. Harry Fairall came again to practice with Edwd. "Old John" was here to see me this afternoon. It is considerably warmer this afternoon & evening. The "newspapers" are filled with threatnings of war with Spain, and it certainly does look more like it than at any time since the great civil war. and I fear we can scarsely avoid it; certain it is there is nothing to be gained for us by war with Spain although poor Cuba would be freed by it.

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Cloudy & "Misty" 40 Ther. SUN. MAR 27th, 1898 N.E. Wind.

Cloudy & misty. Louis Hill was here again for advice & med. for his wife. Edwd went to meeting & heard sermons from E. Farquhar & Wm W. Birdsall of Philada Saml Bond called on his way to meeting for me to go to see his mother. Willie drove me down to "Magnolia" with our "Charley" horse and his jagger, & home in time for lunch. After which he and Fanny & the baby went to "Fairfield", as it looked very threatning for rain. I have not felt well today having headache. did not sleep well last night.

Cloudy 44° Ther. MON. MAR. 28th, 1898 S.E. Wind

Showers last night & cloudy all day today. Willie came over to the Mill this morning & Fanny & Alice were here this afternoon. Jno Thornton took his carpet away & left the money with Dora. Lizzie Scott was here & took her carpet away, leaving word for Willie to send her his bill for it. I went to the store & P.O. and to "Fairall's shop this morning and bought a pair of "low quarter" shoes from him. Bought some herring from "Doad" Curley. After supper went again to the P.O. & toll house. Edwd went to Mr. Airy to a "singing class" going on horse back.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir
Displaying pages 41 - 45 of 209 in total