Page 24




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o. Clear N.W. Wind
This has been an extremely
cold day. Our thermometer hangs
in a sheltered situation, but in
various other place in the nei
ghborhood it registered from
8 to 13 degrees below zero.
Willie brought Edward home &
took me to Ashton & back be
for returning to "Fairfield"
he left his sleigh here & took
mine, his being out of order
considerably. Afternoon Edward
went to Sherwood school house
& readjusted the electric bells
for Mrs. Thorne. Tonight promises
to be an intensely cold one.
I am thankful we have plenty
of fuel for the present.
I'm riding from Ashton this morn
ing (facing the wind) my ears and
nose were nearly frozen.

7o below 0 Clear N.W. Wind
Our thermometer was 7 degrees
below zero this morning but at
"Brooke Grove" it was 21 below &
from 12 to to 16 & 18 in various
other places. It certainly was
was coldest day we have had for
years past and has not melted
anywhere at anytime during
the entire day. None of us
went farther than next door
but kept indoors and kept up the
fires. Dora had a bed in the
dining room last night and
kept up the coal fire all night
to keep the house plants from
freezing. Fewer persons were
out sleighing to day it being
too cold for pleasure. We
heard of the sudden death of
Hood Mathews. He has been
sufferer from rheumatism & kid
ney trouble but seemed much
better of late

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