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63 Clear N.W. & S.E.
Ther. TUES. AUG. 8th, 1899 Wind
Quite cool last night & this
morning. I went to the P.O. &
to Fairall's, & to Henderson's for
the papers. There was a "church
fair & picnic" at Clarkville
for the benefit of the catholic
church. Edwd went from "Fairfield"
with Willie & Fanny,
he came home to supper &
went to Olney Grange Hall
in the evening to a supper &
dance, going on his bicycle.

69 (degrees) Cloudy Variable
Ther. WED. AUG. 9th, 1899. Wind.
Cloudy & threatening rain
all day until towards evening
when we had quite a shower
after which it seemed to clear
off & the sun came out before
sunset, but it clouded up
again and at bedtime looks
like more rain. I went to
the store & P.O. morning and
afternoon, & again after supper.
I also went to Henderson's
for the papers before lunch.

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