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63 [degrees] Clear Variable
Ther. THURS. SEPT. 7th, 1899. Wind.
Henry Mathews left after
breakfast, taking little Hallie
with him. Willie, Fanny & little
Dora came. Willie helped us
clean off the shingle roofs and
painted the "valley" on the east
side, he also repaired the
office porch roof. After lunch
W. & F. left for "Fairfield".
"Bulwar" went to the fair today
instead of finishing the
house roof. Towards evening
Minnie Iddings & family
called. This was the "shew
at Rockville fair and
many persons went from
this neighbourhood, they have
been highly favored in the
weather so far since the
fair commenced, & I hope
it may continue tomorrow
which is to be the last day.

70 [degrees] Cloudy & Clear S.E.
Ther. FRI. SEPT. 8th, 1899. Wind.
Went to store & P.O. & to the mill.
Redc pension check. After lunch
Wallace Bond called. Afternoon
Edwd went to Washington with
Hillis Robison. Bulwar came
to work at finishing the roof, but
went next door to fix spouting
for Sally Ellicot's new house.
Kate Stabler & Jenny Stabler
called about supper time
and Wallace Bond also
called again. We had a
settlement in full to date.
After dusk I went again to
the village. Frank Cook
was at the office this morning
& I readjusted bandages
etc. on his arm.

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