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62 [degrees] Clear Variable
Ther. FRI. OCT. 13th, 1899. Wind
Clear and warmer weather.
I went to the store & toll
house and to Fletcher Clark's
and John Tasko's. Charles
telephoned from Darusville
that he with his family were
on their way here. The "Doctors'
Club" met here this afternoon
all being present except Dr:
Green. Charley & family arrived
about 40 - 30. Charley is
quite unwell. Willie came
later, but Fanny arrived
before any of them. We had
a very satisfactory meeting.

63 [degrees] Clear Variable
Ther. SAT. OCT. 14, 1899. Wind.
This has been another
beautiful autumn day.
Willie & Alice Price called
on their way to Alexandria
to attend the funeral of
Edwd Leadbeater. Sisters
Lizzie and [...]
[...]also went.
Afternoon Charley & Ida
drove over to the cemetery
the children went with
them. Old John came this
morning before breakfast
to attend to Charley's horses
and was here until after
supper. I went to store &
P.O. and to Fairall's office
this morning & again after

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