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63 [degrees] Clear N.W.
Ther. SUN. OCT. 15th, 1899. Wind.
Still another lovely day
of Indian Summer like
weather. Willie came over
(walking) from "Fairfield"
before dinner. I walked
up to Fairall's office.
Afternoon (about 2 o' clk)
Charley, Ida & the children
left for "Hazeldean" and
back to Leesburg Tuesday.
Willie rode with
them as far as "Fairfield".
Edward rode the bicycle
to "Fairfield" & home before
supper. I walked up to the
village after supper by
moonlight. Old John
was here to breakfast and
remained untilafter
Charley left.

62 [degrees] Cloudy. S.E.
Ther. MON. OCT. 16th, 1899. Wind.
Quite cloudy & foggy, but
warm. I went to the P.O.
and to Fairall's office.
Willie expected to take Fanny
to Laurel on her way to
Philadelphia to make a
visit. We have not heard
but suppose they got off.
We hear (by teleg after) that
they succeeded in having
a race today between
the " Shamrock & Columbia"
the latter winning by a
mile at the finish.

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