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67 [degrees] Cloudy N.E.
Ther. TUES. OCT. 17th, 1899 Wind
It rained early this
morning and was threatening
most of the day but did
not rain. Charley telephoned
from Darnestown
about 2 o'clk this afternoon
on their way home. The hand
they have hired at "Fairfield"
(Lawrence Williams) got into
trouble last night by a row
with his siter (who is a wretched
creature) and she had him
arrested, and Edwd Peirce sent
Willie over to say he would go
his security but it seems it
was necessary for the security
to appear in person, so Willie
went back & brought Edwd
R. Stabler, at being after dark
cousin Edwd did not feel
equal to coming himself.
It seems that the "Shamrock" broke
down in the race today, and
the Columbia was again the
winner. I went to Esq. Fairall's
office to the trial of Lawrence's
63 [degrees] Clear N.W.
Ther. WED. OCT. 18th, 1899 Wind.
Another lovely autumn day
but quite warm. Indian summer
I suppose. I walked down
to Ashton and back before
lunch. I felt so stiff & rhumatic
this morning I could hardly
get out of bed, but as the
day wore on I "limbered up"
and feel much better tonight.
No yacht race today in consequence
of the Shamrock's breakdown
yesterday, in order to give
her time to replace her topmast,
which was carried away: It is
unfortunate as there was a
splendid breeze today from the
N.W. After supper went again
to the village. It is almost to
lovely a moonlight night to
go to bed or remain in doors.
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