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64 [degrees] Clear. N.W.
Ther. THURS. OCT. 19th, 1899. Wind.
Fine weather continues, warm
and pleasant. The three boys
from next door and Walter Iddings
went to the Frederick Co
Fair today, going to Rockville
and from there by rail; they
will have a lovely moonlight
drive from Rockville tonight.
Dora went to "Eldon" to a "day
sewing this morning, Edwd
went over with her, and went
for her this afternoon.
"No yacht race" again today,
on account of want of wind
to finish within "time limit."
I went to the village & again
after supper.

63 [degrees] Clear N.W.
Ther. FRI. OCT. 20th, 1899. Wind.
High wind from N.W. all day.
There is no excuse for not having
a yacht race, unless there is
too much of a gale. We hear this
evening however that there was
a race, and the Colunbia won
by about a mile, which was
their hope of "lifting the cup."
I went to the village twice.
Edwd took a walk, hunting
mushrooms & chestnuts,
he found a few of the latter
but no mushrooms.
Frank Cook returned from
Johns Hopkins Hospital this
afternoon in the stage.

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