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40 [degrees] Clear N.W.
Ther. SAT. OCT. 21st, 1899. Wind.
Quite a change in the weather
or rather in the temperature
within the past 24 hours; there
was frost this morning, and
the wind was fresh from N.W.
all day, though not so strong
as yesterday. Fire was very
comfortable in the dining
room. After dinner I walked
to Ashton & back, went this
morning to Fletcher Clarke's
shop to have a grindstone
handle altered to fit our
old grindstone, he promised
to have it ready by monday
afternoon. Willie came over
and took tea with us, taking
Dora back with him to "Fairfield"
to spend the night and
attend church tomorrow.
He will bring her home tomorrow
afternoon. Edward
went gunning with the Robison
boys & brought home two rabbits
one squirrel & one flicker. After
supper I went to the village again.
34 [degrees] Clear & Cloudy Variable
Ther. SUN. OCT. 22nd, 1899. Wind.
Still cold & chilly. I went
to meeting for the first time
since Edwd was taken sick.
Edwd Farquhar preached upon
the occasional withdrawal of
the divine presence from the
best Christian believers.
Edwd went (on bicycle) to "Fairfield"
and spent the day there,
returning in time for supper.
Walter Iddings was here this
afternoon whilst E. was away.
Willie brought Dora home
and remained until after
supper. I went to Henderson's
and borroweed yesterday's paper
taking it back before supper.
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