Page 15




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Ther. 37° Wednesday, January 22d Wind Variable
22 Days Past 343 To Come
Feb. 7, 1901.
Dr. C. H. Wells, Summit Station, Ohio, says:
"I received the sample of Pepto-Mangan (Gude) you
sent me in January, and am using it in the case of a
young girl who is highly anæmic. She has used it now
almost two weeks, and her improvement is far beyond
my expectations."

Cloudy & threatning most of the day.
Edwd went with the horse & phaeton out
on the telephone lines & home to lunch.
He went again after lunch & was gone
until dusk this evening. Thos S. Stabler
came about lunch time & remained
until after 4 o.clk, when he left for
"Brooke Grove" and home.
After supper I went to the store and
P.O. for the first time today. Edwd
went next door in the evening.

Ther. 34° Thursday, January 23d Wind N.W.
23 Days Past 342 To Come
Feb. 15, 1901.
Dr. A. G. Wright, Fenton, Mich., says:
"I received your preparation of Gude's Pepto-Mangan.
I ordered it for a severe case of anæmia in a young lady.
She was driven to my office, as it was an effort to walk.
She had taken many preparations of iron, but none
seemed to do her any good. I had some of your literature,
and from reading it, I thought Gude's Pepto-Mangan
would be suitable for her case. I immediately put
her on your preparation. In two weeks she seemed like
another girl. Comes regularly to the office, goes skating,

Clear & bright all day. Edwd went
after breakfast to Rockville and was
gone all day & until after dark this
evening, driving the "Dan" horse and
the phaeton. After lunch I walked
to Ashton & back. Willie & Alice
Peirce came to supper to attend a
lecture at the lyceum by Frank
Lea upon his experience in South
Africa whilst a Missionary there.

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