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Sunday, April 20
110 DAYS PAST [Cloudy+Clearing.] 255 TO COME
What we claim for Pepto-Mangan (Gude), and the
same has never been refuted, is that the metals, iron
and manganese, exist in an organo-plastic form, the
solution being positivly neutral in reaction. The
metals are held in perfect solution as true peptonates,
being produced by a process hefetofore unknown. This
preparation, Gude's Pepto-Mangan, when taken into the
stomach undergoes no chemical change whatsoever.
Being practically predigested, it is readily absorbed by
the mucous membrane of the stomach, the process of
assimilation is easy, and the metals are taken up by the
blood immediately.
[Neut] to meeting [the and] a [sesmore houe]
[Edud], [farqeleer]. Nillie went to "[Faeilild"]
and [adtareard] came[witte] [faueug ue] time
for [diluaer] they [gaug] back before [october.]
[9 attendad are "abbarted meeting" yu] the
meeting [heree] (in the afternoon) for the
[pun-bode] of[sug gestioned] for [revising] the
["dud ciblive,".] After [seplrer l] event to the
[P. O. t]mailed a letter [l had unitter] to [seiter]
diary. and called at [Ur. Hendersan's.]

Monday, April 21
111 DAYS PAST Clear. 254 TO COME
Commercial solutions of Iron and Manganese are
made with the aid of Acids or Alkalies, and notably the
latter; that is they are held in solution in the presense
of a comparatively large quantity of Caustic Soda,
which neutralizes, to a certain extent, the Hydrochloric
Acid in the stomach, and liberates Oxides of Iron and
manganese. The latter, through the action of the Hy-
drochloric Acid of the gastric juice, are converted into
chlorides of these metals, and thus cause a caustic
action upon the gastric mucous membrane. This has
been proved by Prof. Bunge, as shown in his very able
article read before the Congress of Medicine at Mu-
nich, 1895.
Beautiful spring morning. [Edud,] went to[
with [stone] hands for telephone

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