Page 86
Ther. 62 [degrees] Friday, June 13th Wind S.W.
164 DAYS PAST Clear 201 TO COME
May 9, 1901.
Dr. J. Vaughan, Springfield, Mich., says:
"I was so miuch pleased with the action of your Gude's
Pepto-Mangan that I sent for two more bottles for the
same patient - a case of anaemia. She has taken the
second bottle and is now on the third. Was unable to
leave her bed when she began taking the medecine; is
nnow about the house and doing most of her work. Shall
continue to use it as long as I am satsified with its action
as in this case."
Edwd went to Rockville again taking |Geo.
Johnson with him in my phaeton driving
old "Dan". I went to the village & rode
to Ashton with Richard Lea & walked
back with A. F. Fairall. Towards evening
we had a thunder gust and after dark we
had the heaviest rain & thunder gust we have
had this summer so far. Edwd got home
from Rockville just in time to escape the
heavy downpour.
Ther. 65 [degrees] Saturday, June 14th Wind
165 DAYS PAST Clear 200 TO COME
is the ideal product in the class to which it belongs - a
scientific combination and only submitted to the medical
profession after the severest test both in hospital and
private practice. Clinical reports substantiate this statement.
I went to the mill for flour etc. Edwd
& Geo Johnson went to Rockville again
for the "Tel Co". N. V. Beall called and I
paid him £5.00 ballance in full for
wood to date. Cousin Hannah Archer
came in the afternoon stage. Willie & Fanny
& little Dora also came about supper time
to spend the night with us. After supper
I went to the store & P.O.
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