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Ther. 70 [degrees] Thursday, June 19th Wind Variable
170 days past Cloudy & Clearing 195 to come
January 12, 1901.
Dr. Wm F. Schaare (1st Div. 7th Army Hospital Corps),
Cjicago, Ill., says:
"I have seen your Gude's Pepto-Mangan used extensively
in the Cuban campaign. This ideal tonic was used
and prescribed almost exclusively to convalescing
typhoid fever patients with gratifying results."
Cloudy & showery with some thunder
early in morning, but cleared off toward
noon. Old Nick came to breakfast
and worked at wood pile until noon.
Willie came & took sister H to "Fairfield"
to make a visit before lunch.
Afternoon I went again to the village
and called to see Chas Brown's infant
again. Edwd went (by invitation) to
take tea at Philip Stabler's. I was
called in to prescribe for Mrs Robison.
Remus Dorsey Jr. (Colonel) called to see
me about a certificate on his application
for a position in the Balto Custom House
as "assistant weigher etc."

Ther. 65 [degrees] Friday, June 20th Wind S.E.
171 days past Clear 194 to come
February 17, 1901.
Dr. George Schoeps, New York, says:
Ever since I commenced to practice I have been a
liberal prescriber of Gude's Pepto-Mangan where
indications of its use were given, and I have never yet
had a chance to feel sorry for it. It has invariably
fulfilled all the indications and given me brilliant results.
"Kate" Hill brought her sister "Julia's" infant
daughter for advice & medicine.[...]Edward
was at home writing all forenoon.
I went to the village to see Chas Brown's
infant again. Afternoon I went to the
store and varnished the front
door and office sign. After supper
Willie came to spend the night with us.
It commenced raining about dusk this

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