Page 92
Ther. 60 [degrees] Wednesday, June 25th Wind S.E.
176 days past Clear 189 to come
January 17, 1901
Dr. Geo. W. Newman, Brooklyn, N.Y., says:
"I use Gude's Pepto-Managan in my own family, and
I can assure you that I thoroughly appreciate it. I do
and have prescribed it very freely on its own merit. I
am slow to take up new things, but I have proven its
worth and I look upon it as the most valuable
preparation of iron that we have."
Still quite cold. Willie came & dined here
taking Hannah Archer back with him
to spend a day or two. William Brooke was
buried at Friends burying ground this afternoon,
he was the elder brother of Dr Roger
Brooke & has been in poor health for some
tome. I walked over to the funeral.
After supper I went to the store & P.O.
& to Fairall's office.
Ther. 62 [degrees] Thursday, June 26th Wind N.W.
177 days past Clear. 188 to come
March 22, 1901.
Dr. Edwin T. Randall, Brooklyn, N.Y., says:
"I would mention that I have obtained excellent results
from Gude's Pepto-Mangan in all cases of chlorosis
and in mnay severe cases of anaemia, due to the fact,
I believe, of the rapid absorption and assimilation of
this preparation of iron."
It rained very hard for more than
two hours last night but bright and
clear today. I took sister Harriet to
"Riverside" to dinner, it being brother
Williams 80th birthday, his son Joseph
P. Iddings was there. We drove A. F.
Fairall's horse & buggy & came home
about 3-30 this afternoon. Edwd.
went (on bicycle) to several places including
Chas H Brooke's, Josiah
Jone's, etc. George Newman (colored)
was here again for aadvice & medicine
this morning.
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