Page 93
Ther. 65 [degrees] Friday, June 27th Wind S.E.
178 days past Clear & Cloudy. 187 to come
March 25, 1901.
Dr. Clara M. Rugle, Wichita, Kansas, says:
"The case in which I used Gude's Pepto-Mangan was
a very peculiar one of eight years' duration when she
consulted me. I advised explorative laparotomy, but
she refused. Was in a very anaemic condition with
considerable heart murmur. Of course, iron was a necessity,
but the stomach absolutely refused to retain it. I
was almost in despair when I received your Gude's Pepto-
Mangan and began its use. Will say the stomach has
never refused a single dose and the patient is gradually
improving. Am enthusiastic about your preparation."
I went to store & P.O. & to the mill for brown
flour. Edwd went to Mrs Janney's and out
on that line. Kate Stabler was here to see
sister Harriet. Willie, Fanny & little Dora
came & took supper with us. Edwd came home
to supper, after which I went again to the
stores, P.O. & toll house.
Ther. 65 [degrees] Saturday, June 28th Wind S.E.
179 days past Clear & Cloudy. 186 to come
that fraud and substitution may be better prevented,
Pepto-Mangan (Gude) is submitted in bottles of one
size only, [?3] xi., never being sold to dealers in bulk. Any
druggist claiming to so purchase, or the refilling of bottles
is perpetrating a fraud on physician and patient
alike. Gude's Pepto-Mangan is the original and only
presented to the profession after clinical observation in
leading institutions by eminent men.
I walked to Ashton & back before lunch
time and to the store & P.O. Afternoon
Frank Lea & wife & child called.
Edwd went this morning to Holland's Cor. [ = corner]
to Dr Brady's etc in that neighbourhood
Afternoon he was about home, toward
evening & after supper he was next door
playing "lawn tennis" with the boys and
Rob Duck. I went over and watched them
for a while.
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